

When Goo Zi got the statue, I just arrived at Luoguotou’s side.

I closed my body, and with the vanishing technique, I stood outside the enchantment and looked at it coldly, so I was ready to take it away immediately.
Grandma stopped me from coming to stay at this time, and the enchantment was fascinating, and grandma and Jiang Yan arrived at my position.
Although I don’t know why grandma stopped me, I believe grandma naturally has her reasons. It’s not yet time.
Trapped in the enchantment, Luo Guotou laughed wildly and said that I didn’t expect to be so well informed and asked me if I really wanted to make the daylights out of me now.
Looking at the head of Luoguo coldly, I said that I really wanted to scare the daylights out of him immediately. I said that he was guilty of killing the village.
Luo Guotou said with a sarcastic smile on his face, it’s a pity that I dare not make him stunned now if I want to make him stunned.
I don’t mean it. I mean, my mother’s grave is staring blankly. Uncle Luo, I said he would live with guilt the day after tomorrow.
Luo Guotou snorted and said nothing. Luo Shu slowly turned his head and looked at me at this time, then got up from the ground in a panic and waved his hand to me, saying that he didn’t know who killed the whole village. These things were all related to Luo Guotou.
Luo Shu’s reaction made my heart sigh-I told Luo Shu that Luo Guotou was what Luo Guotou wanted, and he was too guilty to be safe.
My words export Luo Shu squatting in his face and crying that he should not be born with this beast Luo Guotou.
I can’t twist my head and look at Luo Shu’s head. After Luo Shu’s words are talked about here, my eyes are full of Yinzhi emotions.
Grandma and Jiang Yan rushed to my side at this time. Grandma asked Luo Guotou which one had served the nine-headed bird statue.
Luo Guotou glanced at grandma’s face with a Gherardini expression, saying that he had finally served the statue of the nine-headed bird, and the nine-headed bird would appear today.
Grandma said that the villagers in small villages in Zi Shan were all very sorry, and that it didn’t matter whether they were sorry or not. All those villagers had died at his hands.
Grandma asked Luo Guotou to serve the statue of the nine-headed bird, and Luo Guotou said that my grandmother and I made him stunned. If he could survive again,
Grandma said that the blind old man did a good thing for Luo Guotou, who sneered at him and said that he thanked the blind old man for sending him to his death.
Grandma Luo Guotou asked me if I could become a Luo Guotou. Did I bring Dan Tai glass to give me that black token that can hide my physique and make me look like a ghost?
Hearing grandma’s inquiry, I noticed Jiang Yan from the corner of my eye.
Once I admit that I can become a grandma, even if I know that I can become a dad.
So dad has had an accident, and he can’t hide grandma any more.
It’s that the situation is tense now, and the nine-headed bird and horse are about to show up. It’s no longer appropriate for me to hide anything from grandma.
After seeing Jiang Yan nodding slightly at me with heavy eyes, I told my grandmother that I could really change the pronunciation of Luoguo, and I also brought a Dan Tai glass to give me a black token.
Grandma got my answer and waved her hand behind me, which made me instantly stunned.
The enchantment was imprisoned, and Luo Guotou was always in a panic at this time. He said that he had finished serving the statue of the nine-headed bird. On what we can do to stop the nine-headed bird from being alive.
Once the nine-headed bird shows up, he can’t be found, and anyone who finally completes the service will be sent away by law.
Reading in sections 534
I always know why grandma stopped me from killing Luoguotou immediately when I heard Luoguotou’s urgent mouth, and every conversation between grandma and Luoguotou is meaningful.
After Luo Guotou’s words were exported, I stopped giving Luo Guotou a chance to make him and the ghost stunned immediately.
As soon as I finished these moves, my grandmother asked me to instantly turn into a Luo Guo Tou, a Luo Guo Tou Yin, and then give me a black token from Dan Tai Glass to wear.
I did what I said, and the speed changed. At the same time, I teleported out of the Dan Tai glass from the ring and gave me the black token to hang on my wrist.
This time I returned to a small village in Zi Shan, I just turned into a man, and I turned into a man with a body shape similar to that of Luo Guotou, which saved me the trouble of changing clothes again
I noticed that although my grandmother still had a different expression, her eyes were already full of sadness.
Seeing grandma’s fundus emotions, I can’t tell you the taste in my heart, and I will accelerate the change and strive to finish it before the nine-headed bird appears.
Change is the most complicated thing in transformation, and it takes me at least half an hour to change every time.
At this time, the distance is less than twenty minutes.
Grandma, when I change, I will tell you in a low voice. Once the nine-headed bird appears, I should be careful to deal with it. Just lead the wish to Zuo Si’s father.
I nodded at grandma’s command to change more quickly.
When it’s time for me to play beyond my normal level, I’ll always be finished. Pick up Goo Zi and hand me the statue of the nine-headed bird. I’ll wait for the nine-headed bird to appear.
The horse is about to see that there is a deity in the story, and it is hard for me to be uneasy.
Try to restrain your emotions. I’ll calm myself down and then calm down.
I waited for a while, but the nine-headed bird didn’t appear. I glanced at grandma and Jiang Yan Goo Zi and asked them to go far away first.
Grandma shook her head and said that I should pay attention to them. I just waited for the nine-headed bird to appear.
Grandma’s words just fell into my hands, and the statue of the nine-headed bird suddenly rose automatically, turned sharply in the middle and then burst.
As the statue of the nine-headed bird suddenly burst, the nine-headed bird came to life from that burst statue.
The modern nine-headed bird has nine heads of different sizes and the same shape, each with a long mouth full of sharp teeth and red eyes.
The whole body is exposed, the skin is red, and there are human legs, but the feet are birds’ soles, toes, necks and middle legs with feathers similar to duck feathers.
As soon as the nine-headed bird is alive, it has its own demon spirit to cover this side instantly
That need to make me clearly feel the strong pressure to step back a few steps is barely steady.
Grandma and Jiang Yan also fell back because of that need, and Luo Shu was directly thrown away.
Uncle Li’s goo-goo stretched out his hand and pulled Luo Shu and Luo Shu’s figure and fell toward the distance. When Luo Shu was about to fall to the ground, the ghost force held Luo Shu so that Luo Shu wouldn’t fall.
I circled several times in my eyes before flying in front of me. All nine eyes stared at me and asked me what I wished for.
I tried my best to collect my emotions and told my father, Zuo Si, that my wish was that the nine-headed bird could help me destroy Zuo Si’s father.
The nine eyes of the nine-headed bird kept staring at me and said that my wish was that it heard the most special wish that it didn’t like me. This wish asked me if I had any wishes left.
I said that it is well known that the secular theory of the nine-headed bird is a wish that never falls.
The nine-headed bird laughed and said from those nine mouths that the world did not lie, and that was the case.
I’ll talk about it when the nine-headed bird finishes. My wish is that the nine-headed bird can help me destroy Zuo Si’s father.
The nine-headed bird stared at me for a while and then suddenly spread its wings and left.
The nine-headed bird breathed a sigh of relief from me.

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  • 广州彦门推拿
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