And the creator can stop attacking them and attack the dream food, because the creator seems to attack the dream food and need to enter a long-term motionless state. At this time, it will be attacked by the nuclear protectors. The only thing it can do is to kill all the nuclear protectors and move on.
There are five nuclear protectors here and a researcher watching the battle. Now the nuclear protectors are in a weak position, but if more nuclear protectors join us …
The creator may enter a disadvantage.
"We can’t wait any longer!"
It is the researcher who seems most anxious when the nuclear protectors are trying to avoid the creator. It floats high and continuously sends the message, "Where are your companions? Tell them to come together or there is no way to deal with this creature that wants to subvert the world! "
"Small fools must first enter death!" Suddenly, the creator slammed a tentacle into the researcher’s position, but the researcher was already high, and it could not reach it by hiding a tentacle.
Of course, from the perspective of dreams, they all seem to be avoiding qi …
"Don’t worry," the nuclear defender responded to it while avoiding it. "We have a bigger threat and we must solve that first."
"Do you think I’m not a threat?" The creator suddenly became a little angry. "You will soon know what a threat is!"
Once again, the tentacle thumped the talking nuclear protector and was instantly hit by the creator. It flew out and hit the rock wall.
Another nuclear protector immediately flew over and caught the hit companion and took it to hide from a creator attack.
They are really at a disadvantage … because Lin found that these nuclear protectors seem to be tired, but the creators don’t. It’s getting harder and harder to keep attacking nuclear protectors, and they can’t find a chance to attack here.
But they still think Lin is the bigger threat and don’t call their companions over?
But its companions have all failed …
No, it hasn’t failed …
When Lin thought about it, the virtual star traveler once again saw the foreground. In the atmosphere, the tail roared with raging energy and the metal ball flew towards the star traveler.
Lynn is not going to observe them this time.
Beep!’ A light beam flashed by and the flying metal ball exploded instantly, melting the smoke in the virtual space …
But this time there are more than one of them.
More metal balls flew in, and they rushed out of the atmosphere, feeling as if they were intercepting the rover missiles, but they were not many.
The explosion rang out again in Lin’s mind, and then these metal balls connected with three kinds of debris. I wonder if the metal balls have nuclear protectors, and if they do, they must have suffered heavy casualties.
The explosion continues, and there are more and more metal balls, but they are getting smaller and smaller.
Is there not enough material? However, it is slightly more difficult to intercept them because of the increase in the number, and some people come forward to speak.
Boom!’ Another explosion rang. This explosion was caused by the explosion hundreds of meters in front of the star traveler, and the debris soon floated over and flew past the star traveler …
This feeling …
When debris flew over the stargazer, Lin found that the’ location’ information in her mind became clearer.
It is the former nuclear protectors who gave Lin information about a certain place in her mind … but this information is not so much in Lin’s mind as in the nervous system of a star traveler.
It used to be a vague message, but now it has become clearer. It seems that Lin can see the environment near the location.
That’s not true, but …
The last explosion rang, except for the other metal ball that was shattered too far away, and there was no chance to get close to the star traveler.
But Lin thinks that these balls may all have one feature. If they hit them, the information of that place may change more, but it is clear enough now. Lin thinks that she can find a way to get there.
Lynn thinks it’s time to see where they were launched.
"Is it gone?" "All … failed." "We failed to make it leave …"
A rock spider has run near the nuclear guardian launch site.
There are a lot of rock spiders running around on the ground. They are all in groups, and they all have a dream perspective and a real perspective. Some of them are just near the launch point and can be found soon.
This place is a plain and the ground has a mountain-like accumulation of metal chips.
From the dream perspective, you can see ten nuclear protectors flying over these metal piles. Obviously, they just launched the metal, but … how?
"no! They are in trouble! "
A nuclear protector suddenly said, and then the nuclear protectors around him immediately flew in the same direction with it.
That direction is the direction of the creator …
It is true that the nuclear guardian there is in trouble.
"Can you stall me?" A nuclear protector’s tentacle thumped and dissipated into tiny pieces of light. Other nuclear protectors have also been hit to a great extent, and they are trying to escape from the cave of the creator.
Just now, the nuclear protectors became more and more tired. They were hit by the creator continuously and suffered great damage. They could try to run, but the creator didn’t give them the chance.
Just like catching researchers, the creator’s tentacles instantly caught these nuclear protectors and pulled them to his side. At the same time, the creator didn’t hold his tentacles high and thrust his tip into the ground, that is, the dream food body …
Chapter five hundred and forty-nine Core learning
"I will get its core! And everything else! "
After this sentence was uttered by the creator, Lin felt that the surrounding ground trembled violently, as if the creator had affected the cave structure at the moment he penetrated the ground. This vibration made the cave wall full of cracks and it seemed that the whole cave would collapse
The creator’s motionless tentacle only pierced the ground a little, but Lin felt the strange fluctuation of dream energy around his body.
And strange things can be seen from that perspective of dream.
In the dream, the cave floor is made up of a lot of metal fragments, and now Lin can see that these metal fragments glow like spring water.
The position of these light beams is exactly where the creator’s tentacles pierce, and the light extends all the way along the trajectory of the tentacles and finally reaches the position of the creator’s body, and the light becomes bigger and bigger. Finally, these lights gather together to form a shape exactly like the creator’s body in the dream.
As the light slowly dissipated, the creator’s body appeared … in a dream.
The creator could not be seen in the original dream, but now its shape is revealed in the dream. Does this mean … does it get the dream core?
It shouldn’t be that easy, otherwise the nuclear guards wouldn’t be so few here.
But at least its body is full of dream energy, and its shape appears in dreams …
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