It was not until Dennis asked Edgar Hu for the identity of Surdak with doubts in his heart that Edgar Hu realized that these people’s investigation of the rebels had continued.
Although Edgar Hu is not a member of the round table or the chief combatant in Bansk town, he is a real person in the rebel army. He not only controls three camps and 5,000 rebel fighters, but also unites 13 camps to launch a surprise attack on Tacalai town, which not only breaks through Tacalai town, but also successfully harvests a lot of materials in Tacalai town.
Edgar told Dennis that Suldak and others were his guests, so it was nothing to let them visit the front line!
Dennis set out to prepare for the round table after he got the letter.
There is no Ma Dahu here in Surdake Canyon Town, so Edgar stepped in to help them solve the mount problem.
Surdak rushed to the hotel and said to the magician Avid, "This time, we are going to take advantage of the opportunity of the Lord’s army Bansk town to attack the rebels and go to the battlefield there to see you. Just temporarily recuperate in the canyon town. Maybe when I come back, I will find the high-grade gem base!"
"Well, then be careful. If it’s impossible, we’ll go back to Bena!" Magic Avid said
"This is what I want to say to you. Take care and wait for us to come back!" Outside the Surdak Hotel, holding a horse with one hand, bid farewell to Avid.
From here, after several steps, Surdak took Samira, Thea and Gullit out of the canyon town. Dennis was dressed in a light leather armor. Outside the town, he saw Surdak and his party holding two horses and came out slightly confused.
She leaped gently with two long legs like dancing butterflies, and jumped nimbly into the horse. Her whole body fell on the horse’s back, and her hands actually did not hold the reins, but held the horse’s neck and feet to clamp the stirrup.
The whole Gubolai horse shoots forward like a left arrow.
Surdak is worried that these two ancient horses, Gubolaimafa, will bear the weight of his armor, and his riding skills have made great progress during this period when he rode on his back in ordinary clothes.
Thea couldn’t ride a horse, so Samira rode a horse with her, a strong ancient horse, which could bear the weight of two young ladies.
Mr. Two-headed Ogre doesn’t need to ride on two elephant legs to run faster than these two horses …
Dennis is a great rider and light enough. She is the first to go to the front.
A group of people running all the way rushed to the battlefield here in Bansk Town.
Since four postmen, Dennis, had left the canyon town with a letter before leaving, Dennis wanted to catch up with those people in front, except that when the horse was fixed, she needed to feed grass and drink water, and when she had a rest, she almost galloped all the way on horseback.
She is very familiar with these mountain roads in front of her eyes and has taken several shortcuts in succession.
Finally, a group of people touched the eastern border of Bansk town early the next day.
This place belongs to the occupied area controlled by the rebels, but Samira is keen to smell an unusual smell. She rushes to the front over Surdak and pulls Dennis’s reins with one hand to stop everyone.
Dennis turned to Samira with a puzzled face.
Her eyes were bloodshot and she looked very tired, but she still insisted on a sober plan to send it to the temporary battlefield command post here before noon.
"There’s not much ahead. There’s an ambush in the Woods …" Samira said.
"Lord scouts patrol?" Dennis immediately wake up a face of nervously asked
"May be specially arranged AnShao here … I’ll go and have a look!" Said Samira, who was already vault to touch that forest ahead.
"Why don’t we go around?" Dennis asked with some concern.
"Don’t bother, let’s go and kill the sentries in the sentry post …"
Two-headed ogre Gulitham Dennis said that his words gave Dennis enough security.
Dennis glanced gratefully at the two-headed ogre.
Chapter 9 Ambush
Before the rebels came to celebrate the victory in Takalai town, the Third Legion of the Lord’s Army was stationed in Bansk town.
Subsequently, this Lord’s army carried out a clean-up operation on the rebel-occupied area in the town of Bansk East.
Surdak didn’t expect the situation on the Gambu plane to deteriorate so quickly. After Lord mcdonnell was arrested, the mcdonnell family would be in chaos. At least in recent months, the lords of mcdonnell would be in a hurry because of inheritance.
Surprisingly, it is precisely because of this arrest by the Bena Provincial House of Representatives that the issue of the first heir to the mcdonnell family has been put on hold for the first time.
Now Lord mcdonnell and his three sons are leading an army to quell the chaos in the Ganbu plane.
Samira had a dagger in her mouth, and her body was running almost parallel to the ground in the weeds.
She got into the jungle and disappeared in a flash. She climbed a big tree with her hands and feet …
It is not easy to find out the hidden secret whistle in the jungle. It requires hunters to have strong insight, patience and reasoning ability, but these are not so important to Samira. After she was promoted to the second turn, her five senses have already surpassed ordinary people.
She can hear the wind blowing through the treetops, the slightest river flowing and gurgling, and she can even hear people breathing nearby.
Those reddish eyes are also keen, and things in her field of vision will be extremely clear when she runs rapidly.
She ran from one tree to another, and there was a little wind blowing through the crown.
Holding his breath, he calmed himself down to spread his perception around.
"Burst … burst … burst!"
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