

If Surdak’s reaction is slower, it is estimated that he will be stabbed by Jack Kenley’s magic sword. However, thousands of parries and shield-raising exercises have made him almost able to respond to the coming danger. He almost stabbed the sword by Baron Jack Kenley and raised the dwarf chain shield at the same time …

A flash of sword light saw a sword with several magic runes engraved on it, wrapped in a series of boulders and smashed the shield.
Surdak’s dwarf chain shield was almost smashed by Jack Kenley.
Since the keel was implanted in the body because of its own lack of bearing capacity, the magic pattern of’ Earth Shield’ has never been able to wear the spirit and knowledge, and the sea has also suffered devastating damage. Therefore, although it has been integrated into the dragon blood, Surdak’s strength is still not as good as before, and he was almost attacked by Jack Kenley. If he was a former Surdak, he almost didn’t want to swing a shield backhand, but he can’t do it now.
Jack Kenley was also startled to see Surdak coming out of the virtual door with a dwarf chain shield.
Usually, only a magician can freely cross over and send Mensur Duckshow. It’s not a magician, but it really scares Jack Kenley to appear from a virtual door.
"Hey, are you okay!" Aphrodite asked Surdak with a straight face.
Surdak came out of the virtual door, holding a red crescent in one hand and a shield in the other, blocking Jack Kenley’s continuous stabbing.
He hasn’t fully recovered yet, and he feels a little overwhelmed by Jack Kenley’s continuous attacks.
In particular, the magic sword engraved with runes in Jack Kenley’s hand was accompanied by the "falling stone" spell. In addition to blocking him from stabbing Surdak, he should be careful to hit the falling stone from the top of his head.
"Can’t you get rid of him yourself? I just invited Lord Kincaid to dinner there. If I stay here for too long, I’ll be in trouble if I deliberately escape from the order!" Surdak nu way
Jack Kenley has a feeling of being humiliated by Surdak at the moment, as if two people didn’t look at him at the moment. He ruthlessly chopped off the rune sword and didn’t intend to give Surdak a break …
Surdak holds the rune sword with a red crescent moon in his hand.
Jack Kenley’s hand is a wide-bladed sword, the body of which shines with earth magic.
"I thought you would be interested in talking to him." Aphrodite jumped from the tree and was as light as a leaf without a pair of wings, which didn’t seem to have much influence on her actions.
Rune sword energy storage ends, releasing unearthed magic again.
A boulder falls from the sky and throws the dwarf chain shield in Surdak’s hand. Jack Kenley knew it would be like this. He stabbed Surdak with the sword of falling rocks and blurted out the runes without blocking.
Suddenly, the dwarf chain shield in his hand was repositioned to parry Jack Kenley’s sword.
This is the first time that Surdak carried runes in the battle.
The halo of foot strength spread. Surdak’s sword repelled Jack Kenley and said discontentedly to Aphrodite, "I have nothing to say to him! Do you want to exchange a trick? Or do you want to find out how much money you cheated from the Ge Philo family? "
"You …" Jack Kenley was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. When he spoke, a petrochemical monitor lizard’s virtual shadow emerged behind him. The monitor lizard’s virtual shadow transited very firmly, and his eyes shot out a light and fell directly on Surdak.
This is Jack Kenley’s deepest hidden means to save his life. His "potential" is a petrified monitor lizard’s virtual shadow, which consumes the "potential" power at one time and can release a "petrified" sight.
Surdak didn’t lift the shield at this time, and when he felt bad, he would have a virtual crack in front of him. The petrochemical line of sight directly shot into the virtual crack.
At this time, Aphrodite, the succubus, rushed over and took a look at Surdak and smiled. "If you don’t want to talk, forget it. Let me do it!"
Seeing Aphrodite’s strange dark magic Jack Kenley was like being punched in the heart. He hurriedly asked, "Who are you …?"
I didn’t know that Aphrodite, wearing a secret silver mask, ignored him. Surdak’s arms were chanting spells.
A pair of black wings appeared behind her, wrapped in a virtual shadow of the body, but the virtual shadow fell into darkness again. Listen to Aphrodite’s final clear statement.
Night is coming to embrace the darkness!’
A cloud of black fog swallowed Jack Kenley instantly, and Jack Kenley was surrounded by darkness like a blind man waving a rune sword at random.
Surdak was also anxious to get rid of Jack Kenley. He didn’t hesitate to stab Jack Kenley with a red crescent sword. Blood poured out of his heart. Surdak lifted his foot and kicked Jack Kenley to the ground, then waved a sword and cut off his head.
Then he took a look at Aphrodite and said to her, "Try to go back to the city yourself. Be careful when you go back. I have to go there first to pay the bill. I guess the body will be handled by the guards camp soon!"
With that, Surdak took out a magic flare from his pocket, lit the fuse and let the magic flare fly to the sky …
"Hey, hold it!"
Aphrodite stopped and was about to enter the virtual Mensur. Duck quickly untied Jack Kenley’s magic purse and threw it to him.
Surdak took the magic belt and turned and walked into the virtual door.
Chapter 625 Jack died
A waiter holding a silver tray and other washrooms saw Surdak push the door and walk out from the inside, and hurriedly handed the prepared towel and led the way back to the restaurant in front of Surdak.
The dining table is full of exquisite dishes. Surdak just refused the waiter to bring a glass of golden apple wine, but took a glass of sweet fruit wine mixed with honey and took a long drink.
Just fighting made him a little thirsty, and his hand holding the glass was still shaking slightly.
Lord Kincaid was discussing with the mid-team leader Gonzalez what he said to Surdak when he saw him coming back. "Baron Surdak, we are all discussing that you have participated in the Warsaw Plane War before?"
"At that time, our regiment was the 57th Heavily Armored Infantry Regiment in Hailansa City, and a forest farm in Gandaier Mountain was in charge of garrison," Surdak said as he reached out and picked up the knife.
The meat on the plate was very tender, and immediately blood came out when the knife was cut off. Surdak stopped and cut himself a small piece of meat.
Benaian likes to eat medium-rare fried steak, but Surdak doesn’t like it. He prefers soft-boiled stew and sauce bone.
Lord Kincaid may have studied Surdak’s resume, and he was very clear about his past. He directly asked Surdak, "I heard that you used to be a heavily armored infantry soldier? Then how did you become a knight? "
Surdak took another sip of liqueur and swallowed his food before saying
"Well, after I became the squadron leader in the infantry regiment, Colonel Mondego recommended me to become a reserve knight. Later, I returned to the Knight College in Hailanza City and completed my short-term studies. In this period, I also joined the Hailanza Guard Camp before I became a formal knight."
Lord Kincaid laughed and then Surdak said, "Then … I participated in the plane war in Maca. I did very well in this issue, so I was recommended by the Marquis of Lu Se as a baronet of the Green Empire. Your resume is really enviable!"
Gonzales also changed his rough style and praised Surdak. "Yes, it is very difficult for ordinary civilians to become knights. It is not easy to be promoted from knights to nobles. Few people in the whole Green Empire have made us peaceful in Bena Province …"
"A beautiful day in the Green Empire …"
"The plane war victory comes as soon as possible …"

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  • 广州彦门推拿
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