Fu Fengning apex suddenly ache remorse just beast behavior.
No matter how obedient and stupid he is, he is just a timid child … It is this little fool who has been looking for it for so long. Now how can people be impatient?
He has always refrained from abstinence, and he didn’t know what lard had just blinded him to try to bully him …
Fu Fengning regretted that he hurriedly got up and gently took Shen An to the sofa edge through the sleeves. He squatted on one knee and took out his handkerchief in front of Shen An. He hesitated and didn’t touch him without authorization. He put his handkerchief in Shen An’s hand and lowered his voice. "Blame me, I didn’t control the strength, not your reason. Shen An, don’t be afraid of me, okay? I won’t hurt you … "
You have something to say.
Manager fu, I said, will you still be a man?
Chapter 36 Chapter 36
After coaxing people a little better, Fu Fengning sat beside him at a distance and whispered "Shen An"
Shen An sniffled a little "hmm".
Fu Fengning eyes dark slightly sighed.
Sometimes he can play tricks on Shen An. He is too delicate, like water, and he will cry when he touches it lightly.
Yu Fu Fengning couldn’t bear to talk to him.
Fu Fengning pondered Shen An’s stress reaction just now. What he said about "no seduction" and "don’t hurt" should be that he thought of those EGAs who had a high opinion of themselves and threw themselves at themselves, and all ended in misery.
He’s afraid he’s like those EGAs?
Fu Fengning gently tempted "Shen An, do I know why you are so afraid to approach me? Will my pheromone make you uncomfortable or are you afraid that I will mark you? "
Shen An shook his head blankly "no … not …"
Fu Fengning certainly knows that it’s not these. He’s the top alpha. Even if his pheromone is ega, it will make them addicted and addicted. This is a genetic decision. Even if Shen An doesn’t like him, he will resist the dominant genetic memory.
He went on asking, "What is that? Can I know? Can’t and didn’t "
Shen An shrank in the sofa and took a careful look at Fu Fengning. His sight soon drooped and his eyelashes were still wet.
Fu Fengning chuckled and seemed relaxed and casual. "If you don’t want to talk about it, don’t talk about it. Tell me when you want to talk about it, okay?"
Shen An dig a finger trail "good …"
Fu Fengning’s eyes have never left Shen Anshen for a moment. His tone is low. "Shen An, you are not worried about doing something wrong in front of me, active or passive. Even if you really do something wrong, I promise you that you will not pay the price and will not be punished at all … This is my promise to you."
At 1: 30 in the afternoon, when the driver arrived at the Blue Lake with Fu Fengning and Shen An in Maibakh, a van with Fu lg had stopped at the lake and two big tents had been set up.
When the car stopped, Shen An whispered to a familiar figure at the edge of the tent through the window, "That’s … Dr. Lin …"
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g
When he spoke, the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised, which seemed to be a little happy.
Fu Fengning naturally put his coat on Shen Anshen when he was driving. "There is a wind by the lake."
At Fu Fengning, Shen An bowed his head and stared at his toes. He held a big skirt and carefully tunnel "Thank you, Mr. Fu …"
"Nothing," he said, pointing to the other side. "Have you seen lambs and sheepdogs?"
"I saw it!" Shen An’s tone is rarely emotional.
At the moment, there is a deep blue lake rippling behind him, green grass stretching at his feet, and sunlight penetrating through the white clouds. If there is substantial light …
At the moment, Shen An, a white shirt, wrapped in his graphite coat against the wind, showed a pair of eyes and secretly looked at him in front of him.
Shen An’s face is dyed with some light emotions, which is called Fu Fengning’s feeling that all the pictures in front of him are alive.
Fu Fengning patted Shen An on the shoulder. "Go and play. Although sheepdogs don’t bite people, they can jump on people. Don’t play too close to them. Look at the old man playing guitar herding sheep there. He has a good temper. If you look at him pleasing to the eye, you can chat with him."
"I remember!" Shen An looked at the other side and his eyes shone brightly.
"Very good … go and play. I’ll let the driver follow you and watch the quiet bottom of the lake, but I’m relieved that someone is following you."
Shen An a listen to eyebrows and puckering bowed their heads and dig fingers "if … if I promise not to get too close to the river …"
Fu Fengning looked at him with a soft heart. "Listen … he won’t be too tight and he won’t hear you talking to grandpa."
Just talking was interrupted by a familiar voice. "I said, Mr. Fu, you have to follow a big tail when you go out to play."
He winked at Shen An. "Go and play!" I got him!
Shen An showed gratitude to Lin Yu, but his feet seemed to be filled with lead, waiting for Fu Fengning’s approval.
Lin Yu urged, "Go quickly!"
Fu Fengning saw Lin Yu and blinked at him.
Fu Fengning rubbed his eyebrows and whispered to Shen An, "Then go by yourself. You must not be too close to the lake or too close to the sheepdog. Can you do that?"
"yes!" Shen An squinted and gave him and Lin Yu a brilliant smile. "Thank you, Mr. Fu and Dr. Lin … and wish you … catch a big fish!"
In an instant, Fu Fengning shook his head in his cracked smile and looked at Shen An trotting to the other side. Fu Fengning raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Yu. "The lake is deep and he can’t swim."
Lin Yu smacked his lips. "Mr. Fu doesn’t have a strong desire to control and can catch up with his wife!"
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