Little inflammation is also crazy growl monstrous black and white light coming from its huge body at this time. Suddenly, his huge body has expanded once again. The tiger’s eyes are as scarlet as they are, and they are more sharp than Tiger Claw’s tearing and crazy to attack the evil spirits in the big day.
In the face of Xiaoyan’s crazy attack on that big day, the evil spirits are also screaming and dancing. Every punch falls on Xiaoyan’s body, which is as low as shaking. Xiaoyan’s black and white S body is also gradually dyed red with blood.
The mink is also red-eyed and holding two huge meniscus wings in his hand, shaking like a ghost, shuttling around the devil in the sky, drawing an amazing arc and chopping the devil’s body in the sky.
Knock, knock
The three-way melee together, although the small mink inflammation was constantly blown away, but suddenly the red eyes rushed again, and that almost desperate gesture actually dragged the evil spirits to a standstill.
Give the seat a roll
The evil spirit roared loudly, and it was obvious that its magic arm agent penetrated with one hand and caught the mink, a bat wing, and with the other hand, it caught the tiger’s head, and then violently collided with each other, splashing blood, and both of them fell down, tearing the ground apart.
Zuo will kill you today.
The Big Three of Yuanmen looked at the big day with black and blue wounds, and the evil spirits were also furious and filled with murder. Just when Y came for the three men, his face suddenly changed and he suddenly looked up and saw the progress that day. His eyes were slowly opened at this time, and as his eyes opened their eyebrows, a black S light slowly cracked, and then a mysterious eye seemed to flash like thunder in the deep darkness, which was now the eyebrows of Lin.
When this black mountain thunder flashes with mysterious eyes at the same time, even the three giants of Yuanmen are suddenly flooded with a sense of danger in their hearts.
First Geng
Write it in the early morning and send it now.
It’s late at night today. When you read this chapter, I should have just gone to sleep soon. In fact, I have worked hard.
Everyone will vote for the monthly ticket to Wu Dong. When I get up, I can see the monthly ticket. What a smooth thing you said it would be. Haha, I still have to wait for Chapter 1214 Zufu’s eyes.
Chapter one thousand two hundred and fourteen
Lin Dongling sat in the dark and deep eyebrows like a black hole, and his eyes slowly opened in that mysterious eye like a black hole, which in turn contained thunder and light.
Black holes are deep, thunderous and furious.
Two equally old but powerful force developed incisively and vividly in that eye.
That’s the Zufu eye formed by two Zufu forces.
Although you are in control of the two great ancestors today, the two forces are condensed into ancestors’ eyes, which are too powerful to be controlled. Now, I’m afraid you can barely display it. Rock is also aware of the alum fluctuation of forest animals, and quickly said,
Generally speaking, Zufu Eye can only be condensed after the control of Zufu reaches a very deep level. It is similar to swallowing the Lord in that crushing. It is to display the swallowing eye and almost obliterate the ten palaces of the power terror. Of course, Lin is also very clear that even if he displays Zufu Eye today, the power is bound to be better than not swallowing the Lord, but he is a devouring Lord and has no advantage. That is, his body chalk does not devour Zufu and he still has thunder Zufu.
Devouring the eye of the Lord is a purely extreme devouring force, while Lin Dong’s Zufu eye is a fusion of Zufu’s power to devour Zufu Thunder. Although this will be extremely difficult to control, the power will be quite amazing.
For these Lin Dongran, it is also white, but the scene is not allowed to move. Think more about the Big Three of Yuanmen. It is not an ordinary angle. S Today, the three people are integrated into the evil spirits of the big day with the help of this strange means. The roots are not rivals, and their three brothers have been able to stand up to now with many means. However, even this little mink inflammation is extremely injured. If we sacrifice the killer again, I am afraid this war will be extremely dangerous.
The battle was generally tragic three years ago, but now they are no longer able to escape, and now they also have the ability to turn the tables.
Lin moved lightly and vomited a mass of white gas. His eyes glanced at the small mink with small inflammation. At this time, although they were still ferocious, their eyes were also exhausted. They were able to go shopping for the Big Three and they also tried their best.
But even so, they still showed no sign of giving up. The Yuanmen Big Three were really strong, but in any case, they would never allow that scene to be repeated three years ago.
I know
I heard that Lin was so calm that he didn’t make any waves and answered that Yan was no longer. He knew that if ng really decided to do something, I’m afraid no one could really change him.
We three brothers, I am the eldest brother, and I have wronged them three years ago. If we still defeat the Big Three this time, this eldest brother will really be ashamed to continue to do it.
Lin smiled, and then his gradually cold eyes slowly turned to the evil spirit. At this time, the three strange faces changed, and S stared at him.
Three old dogs have been paying their debts for three years. Lin looked at the eyebrows of the three giants. The eyes of the ancestors became deeper and deeper, but the face S became pale at an alarming rate.
idiotic nonsense
The Big Three screamed and laughed, but their faces became dignified at this time. They could feel the amazing danger in the eyes of Lin’s eyebrows. At this time, they were no longer at their peak. They experienced a big fight in the former Lin’s chalk and a desperate attack by the mink and Xiaoyan, which also made them consume a lot.
Of course, although the state is not the best, the Big Three still have great confidence, but they don’t believe that their extremely strong combat form should be lost to Lin Dong.
Rolling magic gas is crazy at this time, and I heard that the evil body chalk swept through the sky, and it turned out that the evil body chalk was thick and sticky after roaring like a beast, and it condensed in the evil clutches of the day.
In that kind of sticky magic gas crazy condensation, it can be seen that the huge body of the evil spirit is gradually shrinking, but with the shrinking of the evil spirit’s body, an extreme terrorist fluctuation is also emitted from its clutches. The two of them feel the evil spirit’s actions in the big day, and their eyes are all changing. They can feel it. The three giants seem to be moving like killers.
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