Yuan Ye looked at the mighty generals, and the generals listened to the orders of the duke, but he hesitated at all, but his deputy could immediately slay them instead of violating military orders.
Ah, Yuan Ye, when you say this, all of a sudden, Fang Yi’s superficial respect will not shock his heart and he can’t help but look at each other. At that time, his vigilance against each other turned out to be greatly increased. Who doesn’t want to be promoted?
In half an hour, the army was transferred to control the army. This is Yuan Ye’s first step. Then Yuan Ye directly led Yan Sanqiu’s two-person and five-thousand troops into the Lord’s Mansion, and then immediately called the civilian city to cover more than 100 acres of landlords and rich people.
But it’s a pity that after waiting for half a day, more than a hundred civil servants and thousands of rich people actually went to the point where they were not as rampant as the duke.
Sixty-three adults in the Lord were ill, but it turned out that the law bed said that it would be more than 700 gentlemen and nobles to come back another day. A master book respectfully handed over a copy, but the corner of his eye was a mockery of the theatre.
Oh, it’s such a coincidence that more than half of them are ill. Yuan Ye smiled and took over the book and read it. According to the official’s family power from big to small, they were arranged once, and those names that didn’t come were marked with a black circle.
The chief of the city, Qu Rang, didn’t arrive suddenly, and Yuan Ye’s quarrelling sound became a bustling hall of the castellan’s mansion suddenly quiet.
Master Qu of Bingcheng was seriously ill, and even before his name came, he had turned into a black circle, which means that before the corners of his mouth twitched in the previous main book, he immediately explained with a smile on his face
That is, Yuan Ye didn’t come, and he didn’t look at the main book. He suddenly turned and sank and ordered Yan San to take a thousand soldiers into Qu Rang’s house for half an hour and bring Qu Rang’s head to me. Whoever resists will be beheaded on the spot and the property department of Qu Rang will be confiscated to rebuild the city.
Lord Yan San looked at Yuan Ye in shock. At the same time, the rest of the civil servants suspected that they had misheard him. They all knew that the chief of the civil service, Qu, made the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, Yan San, but the forces of the two in-laws had already framed him. The duke, the civil servants and the officials dared not put him in the eyes of the duke. That was because of strength.
Yuan Ye looked at that Yan San suddenly drew the sword of the duke and directly killed Yan San. It was so sudden that Yan San turned out to be dead and didn’t react.
The Lord Qiu Chu made a pre-announced statement, but he hesitated to give orders to the Lord. The lieutenant can be beheaded and replaced. You can hear it.
Hearing this, the high place immediately knelt down on the ground and will know the crime.
Hum, I’ll just remember your crime. Your deputy handsome today is the coach. The duke will let you redeem yourself by good deeds and immediately take one thousand soldiers into Qu Rang’s house. The rest of the lieutenant will remember that the Lord will hesitate and can be beheaded immediately instead.
Qiu Chu was all over his body at once. Now he’s the boss, but he doesn’t have much affection. When he dares to hesitate there, he immediately leads his life away.
Yuan Ye did it on purpose. He knew that the officials in this city were complicated, so that the coach Yan Sanyi came to this 5,000 troops. In fact, Qiu Chu’s troops killed Yan Sanwei, and others in Qiu Chu didn’t. Yan Sanbu’s army was obviously very simple.
Lord Qu’s adult is really seriously ill, and he is a great contributor to our city. Even if the Lord can’t summon him, it’s understandable. The Lord will think twice about being a stout middle-aged man. The first thing to do is to surrender and persuade him immediately. This Qurang is a civil servant in Xiangcheng, but many Qurang cronies.
But Yuan Ye picked such a big shot as Qu Rang.
Shut up. Yuan Ye directly interrupted that short, fat, middle-aged talk, and your adult still listened to me and advised me to build this ridiculous thing.
A minute later, four people came to boo, which directly threatened Yuan Ye, and how they would be miserable.
You dare to violate the duke’s order and die according to the law. The duke’s pro-execution of your crime suddenly sounded like a god of death
Solidified, the five people were all dull, and those who wanted to come and boo against Yuan Ye were all beaten, and the cold war people all looked at Yuan Ye.
Pa crisp sound Yuan Ye put his hand on his hilt.
Lord castellan’s stout middle-aged man knelt down and cried at once, but he just opened his mouth and whistled.
The cold wind blew and drove a string of blood and rain, and five heads fell directly to Yuan Ye, instantly slaying the five people and then saying nothing coldly. At this moment, the gas was suppressed to the extreme, and no one dared to speak again and breathe heavily.
Cold sweat trickled down.
Wen Ang ordered five squadrons to be stationed in these five people’s homes, and their property departments were confiscated to rebuild the city, and any resistance was killed.
It is another general in the remaining 4,000 troops whose blood seems to be boiling. He added a lip and immediately gave orders to his five mid-team leaders.
Rule 743 artifact ruler
Who else wants to dissuade Yuan Ye from coldly sounding up?
Suppress the terrible atmosphere, and this kind of talk about killing is ruthless. It is so overbearing that no one dares to disobey Yuan Ye’s will any more.
Shoot the bird at the head and kill the chicken for the monkey.
No one dares to talk again. Just now, Yuan Ye came in and these people greeted him as the duke. After that, they talked and laughed. They didn’t care about Yuan Ye’s arrival, noisy and chaotic, but now no one dares to say a word and even dare not breathe.
Just then, an expensive old man in a purple robe was protected by four guards. As soon as he entered the duke’s mansion, the old man immediately bowed down to Yuan Ye and said that Cang Hao, the head of the city’s empire, was late for something, and the duke’s adult punished him.
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