Ary? I asked, changing the subject
That’s not what I want. If my mother’s arrangement is too noisy, I can’t stand Luo Feng lying on the grass.
Oh, I nodded and lay next to him, too
I turned to look at Luo Feng’s handsome face and then looked at the starry night. I really feel better than my heart, but will it be short? I put my hand on my head and asked myself in my heart. Anyway, I am really good now. I hope that when I hope, we can stop here.
Just now, Dong Sizhen said, "Don’t worry, it means nothing to each other’s adults." After lying quietly for a while, Luo Feng suddenly explained to me that Dong Sizhen said that he would soon become his fiancee.
I wouldn’t care without this idiot, because I can see that you are not interested in Dong Sizhen, hehe.
Hey, what did you say? You didn’t. Obviously, he misunderstood my words. In a moment, he rolled over on me and put his hands on both sides of my head.
My heart thumped and jumped. Personally, I was so scared by his behavior that I couldn’t move. My eyes were tight. He looked at the sky and pulled this guy. Don’t you know that this will make me breathless? My heart is about to jump and I can’t move.
What should this guy do? His sexy lips are slowly moving towards my mouth. Is he going to kiss me? Are you really going to kiss me this time? Eyes are slowly closing. When I was still thinking about uncertainty, his lips were exposed to my lips. His hands hugged me tightly and kissed my lips gently and overbearingly. Suddenly I felt hot and dizzy and lost my strength.
I don’t know how long we’ve been kissing like this. When his lips left me, I found that I couldn’t breathe smoothly. When I saw him lying back like nothing happened, I lowered my head and dared not look at him, but I’m sure my face is definitely the same as a monkey’s ass now.
Am I really dreaming? What, God suddenly treats me so well and cares for me so much that I not only become a princess, but also let my king kiss me. Today should be regarded as the happiest day of my life. Hehe, I decided that no matter what will happen later, I will not leave Luo Feng for a generation.
I love you very much, and I never intend to tell him what I think, even if he laughs at me.
I know he didn’t look at me and smiled twice, but his smile was so beautiful.
You know I asked him questioningly.
You know, I’m a genius. With your little thoughts, I can’t guess that he’s selling melons and boasting in huangpo.
You and me? Although I think he means something to me, I still want to hear his answer with my own eyes.
What do you think? I’m asking you. Why are you asking me?
hear nothing of
You are an idiot. You are right. No, will I kiss you? Although you are scolding me, he told me that he is me. It’s very kind of you today.
Luo Feng, I love you to death. Now I solemnly swear that I want you to be together in this life.
I want you to be together forever, risking the boldest amount in my life. I ducked some water, kissed him on the face and quickly left.
Where’s my birthday present? He hid a happy smile and suddenly asked me for a present.
I’m not going to supply you again, am I? I said with my hands spread out, sorry
Looking at Luo Feng’s smile, I was intoxicated with his smile tonight. It’s the most beautiful and authentic smile I’ve seen since I met him. It’s really good to feel good about Xie Xiaochun. She gave me such a handsome one than a genius. Don’t worry, Xiaochun, I will take good care of him and make him happy.
What’s wrong with you? Come to my birthday.
Ary doesn’t know what to do with you with a gift. Luo Feng frowned and took me into his arms. No, I’ll argue again. My mouth is blocked.
This happiness and happiness lasted for several days. Although Luo Feng was still cold or overbearing to me when he was together, I could feel that he was very fond of me. We met by chance, and it was very strange and strange. I really found myself lucky along the way. I dreamed of the king several times and took me into the castle. Now this dream seems to be getting closer and closer to me.
In order to be able to be so happy all the time, he walked, and I spared no effort to drill classes, even boring in my room for two days off, hoping to get an exam in Tianhui. My family not only praised me for my hard work in public, but also made me feel ashamed when several aunts in the neighborhood visited home, letting them know that my hard work was love, and I didn’t know how my mother would feel about putting an end to puppy love.
Chapter 30 Southern Hunan is not my brother
Chapter 30 Southern Hunan is not my brother
Blink of an eye, another week has passed. This week is the college entrance examination on Thursday and Friday. Everyone is nervous about preparing for the exam, and no one dares to neglect it. Most people in our class only applied for Tianhui because of Luo Feng and Li Zheyu. It’s pity that those Zheyu didn’t know that Zheyu was going to France in the summer vacation. They all got excellent grades in the exam. I’ll just be a sinner and not tell them.
I can’t believe that they are the former teachers who are so angry that they want to vomit blood. Actually, I am the same kind, and I haven’t been able to vomit blood. It seems that the strength of handsome guys is really shocking.
As usual, when I put my backpack on my desk, I stopped laughing. I slowly picked up a piece of black and white paper in my desk and read it. There are several Chinese characters in it. Don’t stay at school when the disaster comes. Go home quickly.
Lin Minyao, what tricks are you playing? After reading this note, I turned to Min Yao and shouted, because I really don’t know who else would be so crazy except that she can play such a bad drama.
What tricks? Min Yao asked me with wide eyes.
Don’t pretend, it’s going to be the college entrance examination. I’ve already learned such a bad drama. It’s really a terrible chat. I’m not happy to yell at her and pick up that note and throw it away
Wait, she quickly flew next to me and grabbed the note that I crumpled up.
You’ve seen it. You’re really going to piss me off. Why don’t you play tricks on me and sit back in my seat? I need to go to class next time.
Ye, who wrote this? After reading it, Min Yao asked me in doubt.
You know better than that. Don’t play tricks on me and try to lie to me, but then again, she pretends to be real.
What do you know? What tricks do you play? I write Min Yao’s index finger pointing at myself. Finally, it’s time to point it out.
Who else but you? You haven’t played me once, and she played me once. Now I’m still skeptical.
I did it before, but this time I really didn’t write. I wrote so well. Don’t believe me? Look at my handwriting. Seeing that I have been wronged, Min Yao not only admits that his handwriting is not good, but always praises himself for being a legalist in the future. She also brought her handwriting.
It’s really not you. It’s really not Min Yao’s handwriting by comparison, but who can it be?
How do I know just in case? I think you’d better go home according to the note. Min Yao is afraid of my true story, so he must advise me to go home according to my face.
However, the college entrance examination is coming, and I can’t keep up with the progress when I miss school. You know, I now regard the college entrance examination as more important than my life.
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