

I get it. This fucking score is the dead viewer!

The spectator is not dead? What appears here? what does he want to do?
A series of questions rolled in my mind and they didn’t hear anything.
That’s evil!
The world is sinister. I didn’t expect the reality to appear in front of me!
Suddenly someone patted me-Sang Yu.
I squeezed out a smiling face, rearranged my thoughts and continued eavesdropping.
Keep talking. It’s a spectator.
"… if we can really catch the little guardian boy’s blood with the eyes of Yin and Yang, we are half successful." The viewer laughed. "After so many years of hard work, we only saw some signs of success today.
What is the fun "that is! If we can resurrect the great fiend and unify Asia, it will definitely not be a problem for you to become a country by yourself.
Sang Yu’s eyes are wrong. Look at me with fear-it turns out that there is such a feeling!
Damn it! Old almost white!
It’s not just ghosts who do it alone. There are at least others who have participated in it. They unite to prepare for the resurrection of the Great Devil. It seems that it is the sixth day of the Great Devil Oda Nobuyasu.
The purpose of tantric participation is very simple, and it seems that it is ready to be exchanged for dú lì to become a country by then!
This conspiracy is not small!
Although I don’t know what will unify Asia if Nobuka Oda is resurrected, I believe that they must have a very feasible plan with such great efforts-what can we do now?
Sang Yuli swallowed a mouthful of saliva, which looked very tempting and quite provocative. "Do we still need to find a clever boy now?" Although it was an inquiry tone, her eyes said in vain, "Don’t say yes, don’t say yes …"
I nodded heavily.
"Hey, are you crazy or not?" Sang Yu ripped my earplugs and growled, "Don’t you understand that this is a conspiracy?"
"Uh, I’m white."
"There will be real you are the goal.
"Uh, I’m white."
"Isn’t it white that this clever boy was given to the ghosts by their tantric self?"
"Uh, I’m white."
"What do you say?" Finally told me. Sang Yu is obviously a lot happier
"Let’s go find Lingtong …"
"Lingtong fart, she leaned in and grabbed my ear and almost yelled," You are their goal now. All we have to do is tell your master all this and leave Ri to return to China.
I am screaming and trying to earn "Don’t pull, don’t pull … pain! pain
The hand is too hard!
Sang Yu didn’t let go "white? This is a trap.
"It’s really white to let go … ouch, it hurts me to death. As soon as she lets go, I will rub my ears hard." It’s too dark … I really don’t know how to get married after you … "
"What did you say?" Apricot eyebrows stand upright and they walk violently. "I didn’t say, er, by the way, I said there was a reason for this." I quickly changed the subject. "Actually, they said two main points: one is that they are going to arrest me, and the other is that they must have a clever boy, right?"
"Mm-hmm. Then what?" She looks like she’s ready to catch me.
"I don’t believe that the watcher will represent the wishes of most people! Even if we run back, we won’t get along very well. It’s best to take the peacock boy with us to completely smash the plan. "I paused." This can also prove that the inspector betrayed … "
"But you are very dangerous, and I obviously didn’t say anything about her." We can inform you that the National Security Department 7 told them to send someone to a person who has no yin and yang eyes, which is better.
When she stared at me, she raised her eyebrows and felt confident in herself.
What Sang Yu said is quite reasonable. It’s correct from an Ann’s point of view, but there seems to be a voice in my heart that screams and screams to find something for ya ghosts to do!
Looking at Sang Yu’s eyes, I had to express my real thoughts. "It’s true that those ghosts and ghosts have made me very uncomfortable. I want to destroy their plans myself-I’m a cynic and I just want to find some trouble for those king eggs."
"No! People of this age still do this? " Sang Yu made a little fuss and then asked me, "Did you get this?"
I nodded and smiled to powder "well.
Sang Yu looked at me and didn’t know what to think. Finally, he nodded heavily. "Ok, since you want to do it yourself, I won’t stop you-we must first go back to Grandpa Luo to help us get rid of these filth and restore our mana."
"Yeah, my smile is like going out to play mahjong elymus with the approval of my wife.
"But …" Sang Yu suddenly added, "What?"
The seriousness in her eyes turned into a smile "come up with a plan"
I don’t usually prepare for planning this kind of thing, because planning is always in the third place for change-what do you want for the third? It’s almost enough. Who will take the family to introduce them to their parents?
But you have to install one now.
I scowled for a long time and squeezed out a trick. "Why don’t we just sneak in later and see if we can catch that guy and force him to find out where Lingtong is?"
"Why don’t you just say something and go and arrest the viewer?" Sang Yu disdained to ask me, "This guy is the boss of Guishi. Can he be caught by you so easily?"
"Easy is easy …" I’m simply relying on a vivid tone of paying back money. Although it’s still less, it’s better than nothing.
Sang Yu’s face is full, otherwise there will be no movement in the earplugs. It seems that he really went deep into the den once
It’s already dark, and the lights are still on in the ghost market. There are still many people coming through the night. Most of these people are looking for killers, buyers, poison purchases or other dark transactions. Most of their hats are very low, just like Hong Kong looking for piá guests in Loufeng.
We sneak behind the ghost market, where the coat lining is as simple and dirty as usual. The only advantage is that it is tall and thick, just like guarding against the siege of the late Ri zombies.
The hook quickly found a support point for us, and we climbed the wall in tandem and turned over and fell into a shadow.
Here is obviously a row of houses in the backyard surrounded by a three-story building-forget where I live if I am the boss.
After all, it’s far away from the outside. It’s quiet inside. There are a few rooms that snore faintly. It looks good. We didn’t climb directly from the outside of the small building. In a ninja-infested world, I believe there will definitely be a machine trap outside.
But you can’t go inside!
The best way is to catch someone alive.
The farthest side of the snoring room seems to be a good target.
Looking in through the window, there was a guy who looked stupid. Some guys were sleeping and huddled up with pillows. Harrah dripped into the bed from the corner of his mouth and made a water stain.
That’s him!
(Fans join the group … The Lord complains)

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