It’s a long way to go before the B-level Legion can open the function of the Legion’s resident.
Li Xiangkun knew all this clearly and said goodbye to Wang Lidao, who mumbled twice and then continued to fall asleep.
Walking out of the gate of the Legion Management Office, Li Xiangkun felt a twinge when he saw the suspended car parked. Finally, he was reluctant to spend the money and had to save up to build a legion himself.
So I started walking around the base and unconsciously came to the so-called security zone, which is just like the real city. Food companies and catering companies here are very popular, and adopting high-tech technology to produce food can satisfy hunger and supplement nutrition.
Skyscrapers have sprung up, and the strong modern urban atmosphere has made him feel very familiar with the streets. Many young people walk leisurely without feeling the end of the world. Perhaps they believe in military protection measures and military strength.
I walked into a coffee shop, ordered a cup of coffee, sat in front of a huge French window and looked at the pedestrians outside. It’s rare to relax in the last days. I hope it won’t end too soon.
After drinking coffee and eating a little dessert, Li Xiangkui touched his belly and paid the bill and walked outside.
Although this kind of comfort is very rare, I am the protector of the world and human beings. There are still many things I have to do. Go to the publisher first and see if I can see anything.
Walking and walking, the pace began to accelerate. Li Xiangkui kept the speed like a military zone and ran to the street to roll up a gust of wind. Many passers-by saw a white light flash past them before they knew what was going on.
Soon he sprinted to the headquarters of the military area, and he ran to the place where the official was released. At this time, there was no one around the base except the patrol.
"Sir, I’m here. Is there anything I can do?" Li Xiangkui breathless before the release officer asked.
"Lieutenant, I happen to have one for you here. I wonder if you want to do it?" The release officer was worried that no one would come one after another, and immediately said cheerfully when he saw someone coming.
"I don’t know what it is, please tell the chief." Li Xiangkun has been out of the shadow and asked carefully.
The publishing officer paused and then laughed. "Don’t worry, this is a kill."
"Okay, I’ll take it!" When I heard this, I hung my heart.
[Congratulations to the player for successfully picking up the "dead body"]
It is said that inviting players to kill five zombies outside the base and cut their heads and bring them back to the publishing office will give you a generous reward.
【 Current progress zombie head /5 】
This is not bad. What can’t be better? Li Xiangkui hummed a ditty and walked towards the gate of the base.
There is a small passage in the face of the huge city gate of the base, and the soldiers of the base department go out for trial.
Li Xiangkun walked along the light in front of the passage with a knife in one hand. When he saw a dazzling sunshine, he couldn’t help but reach out and cover his eyes. After he got used to the sunshine, he looked outside the base.
He is located at the half height of the base wall and tens of meters above the ground. Outside, there is a desolate land with dead wood and branches everywhere.
And this land is a sea-like mutant group. If the mutant outside the novice training base is a small pool, then the mutant outside is Wang Yang at this time
There is no lack of six or seven variants beyond his current strength, a mountain-like behemoth that acts as a siege weapon and violently collides with the solid gate, but it does not cause a trace of shaking.
Master the natural ability mutant BOSS controls all kinds of elements to be cast towards the city gate, and even the weakest BOSS among them is enough to kill Li Xiangkun.
This scene caused a huge impact in Li Xianglian’s heart. Suddenly, his ears were buzzing with an earth-shattering sound. Four giant missiles exploded in the army of mutants crossing the city gate.
The strong impact energy makes Li Xiangkui in the city wall directly pushed back into the channel, and the strong light flashes temporarily when the eyes are exploded.
He shook his head and waited for a little better. He climbed the opening of the passage again and looked out. A few kilometers in diameter had been cleared, and a bottomless pit appeared in the explosion center.
A pale young man in a brown robe flew to the middle of the hand, shining with brown light, and saw the original depression go to the crater and slowly recovered.
Once again, the mutant army rushed to fill the white area and the attack firepower was more powerful.
Li Xiangkun dare not look at it any more, which is far beyond the current strength. Let’s do it safely at present.
He climbed down the ladder bit by bit, and when it was less than 5 meters from the ground, he flipped back and jumped to the ground.
Draw out a sword and look at the variants around. Zombies are all mentioned in the book. They immediately picked the latest one and rushed away.
The zombie was alert to the threat of Li Xiangkang, and he dodged Li Xiangkang’s chopping with a flicker, then stretched out his sharp hands and cut at him.
A shot down Li Xiangkun twisted his body and turned a circle, kicked two feet at the zombie and then jumped to the ground.
As soon as the foot landed, it once again flashed toward the front and quickly cut it at different angles.
Zombie speed is also extraordinary. Scarlet eyes are shining with strange light. It seems that Li Xiangrui’s hard arms resist every knife attack with precision.
Li Xiangkun’s attack speed is getting faster and faster, and zombies are also accelerating. From the outside, there have been shadows around two people, and they can’t tell the truth from the truth.
The more I beat Li Xiangkang, the more surprised I was. I didn’t expect an ordinary five-level variant to have such a strong strength, so the variant BOSS would be so horrible that it was even worse. The six-level variant just didn’t dare to think about it.
When one person and one corpse were playing hot, Li Xiangkui noticed that the zombie’s eyes were abnormal, and immediately took out a knife from his bag and plunged it into his eyes.
Chapter 55 Rockfall Highway
With a scream, the zombie immediately stopped moving in his hand and covered himself with pain. His eyes were blinded, and green blood was constantly flowing from his fingers. He ruthlessly looked at this blind one of his own.
Li Xiangkun jumped up before he left, and kicked the zombie in the head with a roundabouts kick. Because he had one eye left, he did not make a defensive move and was directly kicked by this enclave.
Knife sword fell zombie head instantly flew to splash a green arc.
Lee sang-woon put his head in his bag and performed surgery on the corpse.
[Congratulations to the player for successfully adopting "zombie diaper" *1]
Lee sang-soo looked at the dirty, smelly diapers in his hands and threw them out in fear, swearing, "What the hell! Why don’t you get wet at this age! It’s not that old and young are sick and not ashamed. "
What’s the good thing? I didn’t expect to be made a big joke. I smelled the sour smell in my hand and it was disgusting
I took out a few bottles of mineral water from my backpack and washed my hands desperately to make sure the taste was much lighter before I nodded my head.
He saw a single zombie in the same way, entangled in the past, took out a sharp sword and plunged it into scarlet eyes, then cut its head with a knife.
Li Xiangkui’s unbelief in evil has once again made him adopt the technique. I hope it won’t be any diaper this time.
【 Congratulations to the player for successfully picking "zombie rags" *1 】
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