Although I don’t know if everyone is afraid of her like this, I can guess from the erythema on her face that a girl’s family is naturally the most taboo for others to talk about her appearance, and just now they probably said something bad to make her so angry. Chapter 4 Why haven’t you rolled?
Silver Fan Gong thought of this and said seriously, "The girl is talented and intelligent. How many people in this chaotic world know that they are born by fate and live a wonderful life?" Of course, it is inevitable to talk about others borrowing evidence to prove that they will not be forgotten by the world. It is a rare talent for a girl to be full of spirituality. If a person is too concerned, others will live very hard. "
Ziyun proud corners of the mouth take a smoke really want to blow his head "you how so annoying! Get out at once or I’ll show you no mercy, girl. "
Who knows that after listening to it, he not only didn’t get angry and didn’t roll, but also gave a persuasive look. "Girl, you should have a good temper at a young age."
Ziyun proudly lost a chair beside him without thinking. "Where the hell are you from, Tang Priest? Get out of the way for the girl!"
The white man’s lightweight listening chair crashed to the ground and broke. The shopkeeper was saddened. If his life was not in danger now, he really wanted these two to go out and catch up.
"Silver Fan Gong Jun Ya Yu Tang Priest should come from the Eastern Tang Dynasty." The white man smiled shallowly as if he couldn’t understand Ziyun proudly.
When they heard this name, they seemed to find a lifeline and were excited.
"Junya-it’s Junya!"
"Is it Junya, the landlord of the Moon Building?"
"Already already saved! !”
"The main house of the Moon Building is kind-hearted and likes to rob the rich and help the poor and save people. Everyone is saved!"
Ziyun proudly turned blue. Where on earth did this spoiler come from? The bastard turned a bloody killing into a joke! He won’t let her fight, and he can’t win. Is there a stalemate here to give people jokes?
Snapped around the teahouse cracked, and everyone was so amazed that they even dared not escape.
If I can’t beat you, I can’t ignore you! ?
Ziyun ao sneered and looked at the stunned people. The smile was extraordinarily enchanting. "If you don’t want to die, just listen to me. Your mother’s nature is too difficult for the girl’s appetite. Let him wear pants and take Ziyun Morning as far away as possible. My girl divorced him today. I will beat him once when he appears in front of my eyes. I will beat him twice!"
When this statement came out, everyone was even more shocked.
Ziyun proudly continued, "When you go out, give this sentence to everyone you meet. The girl is a magic hand and will never show mercy casually. Anyone who dares not say what I said today will not want to live through tonight."
Taidian? Oh, I cann’t believe I want rumors to crush her!
Very good very good
If Ziyun Chen hadn’t provoked her to make a move, would she have won the national competition? Take ten thousand steps back. How much does it matter to him whether she wins the game or not? ! Did he really send a bunch of women to the door himself?
It suddenly occurred to her that Bao Er had said that she would marry Taigen, but Taigen didn’t love her, and she designed to humiliate her and die on the first day of her wedding.
Is the wheel of fortune really running? But she ziyun ao will never do this lucky toy!
What toffee? She bah bah bah bah bah!
Don’t be ridiculous, even if he knelt before her and begged her for 10 thousand years, she wouldn’t agree! Although she hasn’t met him yet, she is extremely convinced that … he doesn’t deserve it.
A man sentenced all her people without even meeting her, and she didn’t even bother to turn her eyes to him.
"I’ll count to three and get out of here. One, two, three-"
As soon as the three words were said, even the whole restaurant could not be seen.
Ziyun ao just wanted to leave the annoying silver fan but somehow appeared in front of her eyes.
"Why didn’t you roll 41 chapter 41 haggle over trifles?
"They are afraid of your escape, I am not afraid of your natural need to escape." Junya is still laughing in the face of Ziyun’s arrogant coldness.
"You …" Ziyun proudly felt that he was about to collapse, and the Tang Priest was endless. If you don’t roll, I will roll!
She thought of turning around here and leaving, but she was stopped by him again.
Junya smiled with a face of batting practice. "Real girl, you have a high understanding and you should also know that this gossip is always inevitable. The more you mean it, the more you will hurt yourself. The world will insult you and bully you. You need to fight back and see him after ten years."
Ziyun proudly glanced at the silver fan, and her mouth was slightly raised with disdain. "The world insulted me and bullied me. Should I fight back and wait ten years to see him?"
"The girl deliberately misinterprets the meaning, not that she should not fight back, but that she needs to fight back."
"Ha ha, good, good. So do you need to fight back when the world insults you and bullies you?"
Silver fan nodded his head to show that the other party can teach Confucianism.
Ziyun proudly smiled more sweetly, lifted her feet and gave each other a hard note. The ancients and latecomers cut off her grandson’s legs. Although the other party was very sensitive and hid these feet, she still got caught in her dirty trick-the powder came head-on and made him cough.
"This is the girl who personally modulates the poisonous spider powder. When it is not half a column of incense, the poison will be sent. Then you will feel that there are 10,000 poisonous spiders, and you will be killed alive in a short time. How do you feel scared? Beg me, beg me and I will give you the antidote! "
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