After seeing Yan Re coming back, the Taoist priest glanced at her and didn’t know whether he had looked at it or not. He said, "Well, it’s very nice."
YanRe "…"
I believe you when you say so perfunctory.
After the Taoist priest came out, the Lich King and Li Jing also turned their heads to look at her. When Li Jing saw Yan Re, he immediately ran before and after, which caused her head to make some noise.
Yan Re looked at her head, and those beads were still swaying in front of her eyes, but they were really beautiful and suitable for Li Jing.
"Sister Xiaoli, you look good in this marriage!"
Yan Re didn’t know how to respond to Li Jing’s praise tone. After all, she was married when she first met this younger sister. She didn’t praise her that time.
But she still has to admit that this wedding is better than that one! More! Times!
Perhaps because of the wedding, it was like playing, and the demon king didn’t have the heart. This time, Yan Re looked at the four of them in a red wedding and suddenly felt that the demon king was really thinking.
These marriages are still beautiful, but even if they are beautiful, they have nothing to do with herself. After all, it is impossible to really marry the Taoist priest, isn’t it?
Yan Re laughed and praised that "Jinger’s sister is the real beauty."
Isn’t this commercial touting enough?
In fact, she doesn’t think Li Jing at all. After all, these days, she found that Li Jing’s sister is really stupid and simple, and there is nothing wrong with it, but sometimes it gives people a very feeling inexplicably …
"There should be nothing to modify about the marriage between Xiao Li and the second uncle, right?"
Yan Re looked at the demon king and replied, "Thank you, Wang Haoyi. I like this marriage very much."
Listening to Yan Re’s rhetoric, the Taoist priest also echoed "Well, I like it very much."
I don’t know how long it took the lich king and Li Jing to discuss the wedding. After Yan Re changed her marriage, she bought those things and put them in front of the Taoist priest
"These are all materials that the Taoist priest needs."
The Taoist priest also changed back to his blue cassock at this time. He said "bought too much" without looking at those things.
Yan Re explained, "It’s not unexpected. In case the Taoist priest fails …"
Before she could speak, the Taoist answered, "Miss Li, is this to look down on being original?"
This fierce Yan Ruoke didn’t want to bump into the gun. She quickly shook her head. "Dare?"
She has seen the strength of the Taoist priest, but he can walk sideways in this demon world, and no one dares to worry about him … He is still the second uncle of the lich king …
"Yes …" She then said, "For the blood exchange method, there are some places in Xiaoli. Please ask the Taoist priest to teach you a thing or two."
The Taoist priest turned to look at her and said nothing, but his eyes said something quickly.
Yan Ruo read the meaning in the Taoist priest’s eyes and asked the question directly without procrastination. "Is this blood exchange method missing something important?"
Perhaps the question was too direct. The Taoist priest didn’t understand her meaning for a moment. "What did you miss?"
Yan Re took a deep breath and said all his doubts. I didn’t expect to say that when I finished speaking, the Taoist priest looked calm. "It’s as simple as thinking too much about changing blood."
He went on to explain, "You said that it is true that the blood exchange method can be called forbidden. In addition to going against the sky, there are naturally other exquisite things. The difficulty lies not in the materials but in the array method."
Law Yan Re is white, but then …
"I don’t know when the Taoist priest said that he meant …"
"This method can be effective in Japan."
I *! Yan Re couldn’t help it immediately. What’s the concept of nine-star renju, and so on? The nine planets are in a line. Who knows when? This scene may wait until she dies, but it may not necessarily appear …
Yan Re’s face pretended to be calm, and she just forced out a smile and asked, "Dare you ask how long it is …"
Before her words were finished, the Taoist priest moved his finger and answered the words, "Being original and pinching his finger is a day."
Yan Re …
Don’t lie to her. How can I believe you when she sees the Taoist priest? !
Oh, my god, when can I let her do this? Compared with this Taoist priest, she suddenly felt that Bss was an angel.
Yan Ruoxiao froze in his face. "Taoist priest, are you sure that the nine stars are in the sun?"
The Taoist priest smiled darkly. "Girl doesn’t believe in being original?"
That’s it. it’s that threatening tone again …
Okay, you’re the boss. You’re in charge
Yan Re said that she would surrender. Anyway, it is good that she can finish something in the end. The process is not important or not.
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