

But that waterspout slowly dissipated and the sea fell into the South China Sea to calm down.

"Ying Long-"Fu Feng roared with reluctance.
He doesn’t know if you haven’t appeared yet.
Ying Long saw that the time had come to crash into the center of the storm, and the South China Sea exploded with the eye of terror.
After a while, everything disappeared and a golden dragon shadow left in the sky.
Since the South China Sea, a blood rain has fallen from the sky.
The only high priest of Poseidon, who lived from ancient times to help the wind, has completely fallen today.
The great movement in the South China Sea is that the East China Sea also sees the score, and Poseidon is even more unwilling that his high priest is dead!
Wu Ming was relieved to see this, but Ying Long succeeded so that he could come to slay Poseidon together, so that all the disasters would be solved.
Poseidon naturally thought of this, and now he is struggling wildly. The East China Sea has never been so sinister as this moment.
Around the sea demon crazy attack is Niu Mowang real talent cow also injured quite heavy body was bitten off pieces of flesh and blood, the sea surface is full of sea demon body really rivers of blood, bones.
A distant Long Yin came to see the East China Sea and quickly fell into darkness. A scary dragon figure has covered more than half of the East China Sea.
Wu Ming looked at Poseidon, who was pinned down by him, and laughed, "It’s your time to die."
But Poseidon burst out laughing. "Hahahaha, I won’t die, that is, all the gods in heaven couldn’t kill me. I won’t die!" "
Wu Ming’s eyes are slightly narrowed. What secret is this fellow hiding?
Ying Long appeared around the sea demon that Rowen suddenly scared shivering, but also fled quickly and hated my parents for having fewer legs.
The divine light flashed in Ying Long and a palace girl fell in front of Wu Ming.
"Can’t kill you?"
Ying Long’s powerful momentum came to Niu Mowang’s face, and he felt that his body sank as if he were carrying Mount Tai.
A pick up Poseidon, and Poseidon is no longer struggling at this time. It’s just a waste of time to laugh at Wu Ming Ying Long with a sneer at his mouth.
It was a long time before Ying Long opened his eyes and said, "His breath was not found in the Avenue River."
Wu Ming was a little surprised that he couldn’t find the flavor of Poseidon Daoguo in the river. So this is what this fellow relies on?
"Ha ha found? If you can kill me, you won’t seal me in those four waste bodies. "
Ying Long then looked at Wu Ming and asked, "It seems that this fellow has moved some means to hide the breath and let me take it back and query slowly."
Nazhi Wu Ming is shook his head and said "no"
Then I went to Poseidon and looked at it a few times. "You must be completely sure that I can’t find your fruit, right?"
Poseidon ignored him.
"I guess your Daoguo didn’t enlarge the Daohe River, did it?"
Poseidon’s face remains the same, but the sarcasm in his mouth becomes more and more obvious.
"I guess I was right," Wu Ming said to himself.
Ying Long wrinkled his moth’s eyebrows and wondered, "If he didn’t enter the Avenue River, how could he have such magic?"
Wu Ming also thought, but he didn’t think it was impossible. Now, his theory of Su Hui’s awakening understands the avenue of heaven and earth. Among the three worlds, he is no more than a palm.
Everything is possible.
A little while, there seems to be a divine light flashing in Wu Ming’s eyes, and the corners of his mouth can’t stop raising.
"Ha ha ha Poseidon, you turtle grandson, come with me!"
Wu Ming suddenly burst out laughing and both of them were puzzled.
He explained, "It is true that there is no hidden breath in the river. If he could hide it, he would have set foot on the other side."
Ying Long increasingly confused is quietly waiting for Wu Mingwen.
"No wonder the jade emperor sealed his body and killed him. If he killed his body and soul, he could be resurrected in the four seas."
Ying Long suddenly grasped the key point "Four Seas?"
Although Wu Ming saw Poseidon, he still kept a straight face, but he affirmed that "it was the four seas who saw Huang Huaguan’s escape hope and blew himself to pieces. I thought he had made some magical sacrifice to escape, but now it seems that he was wrong at that time."
One side Poseidon heard here and immediately stare big eyes.
"Poseidon Shuiyuan World really intercepts a section of avenue river and puts it into the four seas when you respect it!"
How is it possible that Poseidon’s mind was shocked? How could he possibly know!
Chapter 611 The furnace will show its power again to calm the four seas.
Ying Long was in shock for a while. Is this Poseidon so magical?
Wu Ming kicked and said, "Poseidon, am I right?"
"Ha ha, you will ask me if you try."
But my heart is getting more and more drumming, and I still have regrets. I didn’t think that I wanted to take the opportunity to get my magic back. Not only did I end up in a game, but I also exposed my biggest secret!
"Try nature is to try, but if you are available, tell me if it is like intercepting a piece from the Avenue River. I can cut you some slack." Wu Ming laughed.
He is still thinking of a group or an immortal Buddha.
All Buddhas can’t be killed. They will be reborn in the realm of evil, similar to Poseidon!
It’s Poseidon, but he doesn’t say anything about Wu Ming. He’s not a three-year-old child. How can he believe it?
"That’s a pity. Come on."
Wu Ming suddenly reached out and made a move. Suddenly, the Sanqing Hall of Huanghuaguan in Hezhou, a far-west cow, was violently vibrated with a small furnace.
Hong Haier, who was cleaning the temple, was suddenly surprised and wondered how the master left this thing as if it were alive today.
Small furnace suddenly broke and went to Hong Haier. If you lose Master’s baby, how can you make a job when Master comes back? When the body is about to chase out.
In the backyard, Bodhisattva Tree and Scorpion Essence are giving directions to the little bear martial arts kid. From time to time, he is pulled by an ear and looks up and sees a fire flying out.
"Master Shi Gu left the broken jar and ran away. I’ll chase it-"Hong Haier sounded far away.
Scorpion spirit is happy. Is brother reincarnated and returned?
Just then, the bear also ran away in the clouds.
"Elder martial aunt, I’m afraid that lucky money will cause trouble. I’ll watch him."

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  • 广州彦门推拿
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  • 广州清远桑拿交流平台
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