"I don’t know how much it will rise, but it will probably double."
"So many!"
Looking at his wife’s eyes turned into a symbol, Li Chu laughed.
His smile Ding Qiunan also reacted by hitting her man’s chest with a small fist
"Is this news reliable?"
"Why? Don’t you believe me? "
"It’s not that I don’t believe it. I can’t figure out what will raise my salary?"
"Say that the country is rich and don’t you find that many small businesses don’t need tickets now?"
Li Chu words let Ding Qiunan also react.
"Oh, I didn’t even take it to heart if you didn’t tell me. Now I really buy a lot of things without tickets and industrial coupons."
Having said that, she paused for a moment and then continued, "It’s not right. Many things still need Song to borrow industrial vouchers from me that day."
Li Chu smiled and rubbed his wife’s hair. "You said that big businessmen wanted tickets, such as televisions, bicycles, washing machines, etc. If you buy thermos bottles and towels, these small businessmen don’t want them."
"What can this say?" Ding Qiunan asked some doubts.
"This means that with the development of our country’s economy, marketers need tickets to buy those things before they get better. It is because the market should be insufficient that there is no way for the country to implement the unified purchase and marketing limit. Of course, it will no longer be limited if there are enough things.
However, it is the same for those big businessmen who still need tickets to buy grain and oil. "
Speaking of which, Li Chu stopped and shook his head slightly
Ding Qiunan said and asked, "What’s the matter? What do you mean by shaking your head? "
"Nothing. I just thought that many factories would be in trouble when the market exceeds demand."
Ding Qiunan looked at his man blankly. What is greater than asking her to finish? What does it mean?
There was no way for Li Chu to explain something he knew to her.
"You mean those factories will close down?"
"That’s for sure. Those factories can’t sell things. There’s a backlog in the Ministry. If there is no money, the factories can’t pay wages. If you go there, you won’t close down sooner or later."
"The country no matter? What should the workers do if the factory closes down? " Ding Qiunan YouZi not letter asked.
"The country also wants to manage it, but what if it can’t manage it?"
"No, no, you’re exaggerating. How can the country just watch the factory close down and leave so many workers without food?"
Li Chu smiled and didn’t explain it again. Now people simply don’t believe that such a thing will happen, and it’s hard to say too much.
Only when something really happens will people believe the facts in front of them.
But at that time, it will be even more vacant and unbelievable.
Didn’t you say that workers are the masters of the country? Whose master is so miserable?
However, there is no good solution to these things in Li Chu. He is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, which is amazing, but he really can’t do it at present.
One is that he really doesn’t have that thing, and the other is that he doesn’t have words.
Although he usually comes into contact with some high-ranking people, at most, he can only follow what others talk to him.
Let him take the initiative to say that he is not qualified yet, and even when it comes to this issue, his shallow economic knowledge can’t say anything.
He looked at his watch and patted his wife on the shoulder. "It’s about time to pack up and prepare for class."
By the time they got home, Wang Yueyue had cooked dinner at home and Li Wenxuan had arrived home.
"Young Moon, today is the sun rising from the west."
"Qiu Nan mother, why do you say that about me? I’m sad."
Is from the kitchen to the living room end meal Wang Yueyue put his bowl on the dining table pursed mouth and said
"Come on, don’t play this with me." Ding Qiunan didn’t eat her set of hands and shaved her nose.
"Go ahead, what’s the matter?"
"Oh, Qiu Nan’s mother has nothing, so I can’t be diligent." Wang Yueyue stamped her foot and said discontentedly
"Hehe Yueyue classmate, do you think I believe it?"
Li Chu walked over to sit on the sofa and looked at the two women who were not mother and daughter but were better than mother and daughter.
Li Wenxuan was just about to call someone to help him pull the bamboo curtain at the door of the living room with two dishes in his hands when he ran to his head.
Ding Qiunan came out from washing her hands and looked at Wang Yueyue and said, "Yueyue, are you sure you don’t tell me what it is?" I don’t want to hear what you want to say later. "
Chapter five hundred and thirty-seven Told
"Hey, hey," Wang Yueyue helped to put Li Wenxuan’s hand plate on the table and then ran over to pull Ding Qiunan to the table and sat down. It was a dog’s leg and knocked on her shoulder
"Qiu Nan, mom, I want to go out with Brother Xuan for a few days and go to the seaside in Dongshan, where there are my classmates."
"Yeah, I know."
"ah? You know? Is … "Speaking of which, Wang Yueyue reacted fiercely and she was cheated by her brother Xuan.
"Good Li Wenxuan, how dare you lie to me?" And she ran out of the living room and went to the kitchen.
Ding Qiunan turned his head and looked at his man. "Did I say something wrong?"
Li Chu shrugged his shoulders. "It is estimated that Wenxuan is joking with her."
The words sound just fell and I heard screams from the kitchen.
After a while, I saw Li Wenxuan coming in with a bird’s nest-like hair and a plate in his hand, followed by Wang Yueyue, whose face was slightly red with excitement.
As soon as he entered the living room, he glanced at his father with some bitterness.
Li Wenxuan is not a liar. He told Wang Yueyue that his mother had not agreed, but he didn’t expect his father to tell his mother so quickly.
Early the next morning, Li Chu ran to the train to find a ticket.
His friend really gave him a berth ticket to leave that night.
And also helped to link up the return tickets. When the time comes, they can go directly to the local train to find someone to pick up the tickets before coming back.
By the time he got home, the two children were already in a hurry to pack everything, and they couldn’t wait to start.
Li Chu and Wenxuan sat opposite each other in the room.
"Did your mother give all the tickets?"
"I’m going to pay for it. I didn’t want it."
"Well," Li Chu nodded and wanted to think about pulling the desk drawer and taking something out from the inside on the desk and pushing it to Wenxuan.
Li Wenxuan was a little surprised to see that his father pushed something and pointed it at it and asked, "Dad, what are you doing?"
"Take it with you so that I can rest assured."
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