

Ran Yuanfei thought of Siyou’s sentence "Love is precious and life is more expensive" and secretly swallowed and sat back.

Xie sent a message to Jiang Zhichu, who confidently said, "That’s my sick meal."
Xie Ji patted him on the shoulder. "Why are you so protective of food?"
Jiang Ji turned his head and left.
Chicken soup has less oil and salt, and there are side dishes in it.
The vegetables grown in Chenjiacun are all pure natural chicken soup, except Fuxiu and Purple Snake and Purple Python are not good things.
An artist who claims to eat too much actually eats less than normal people, and thanks for allowing him to drink a small bowl because of his illness, but he can’t monopolize the whole pot of chicken soup.
The chef must have a bowl, and the chef’s younger brother and attending physician Jiang Zhichu must have a bowl, which Jiang Zhichu personally filled.
Xie Quan was flattered by holding a soup bowl.
Jiang Zhichu is a campus male god even if he is not his sister-in-law! If his roommate knew that Jiang Zhichu had served him soup, he would be envious.
On weekdays, I always send thanks for cooking. At the beginning of Jiang Zhichu, I washed dishes. Now Jiang Zhichu is sick and the washing work falls to Xie Quantou.
This kind of thing can take turns. Jiang Zhichu didn’t argue with Xie Quan and left the hall with Xie Ji.
At the beginning of Jiang Ji’s life, he has been thinking about the appearance of men in the afternoon.
There will be many kinds of fruit men coming to the altar to provoke away from deliberately hiding the fruit of "dying at the altar"
In addition, men have two kinds of fruit …
There are two kinds.
His mind is winding with all kinds of information that may be too large to make him frown involuntarily.
What role does Xie Quan play?
Xie Ji’s character is doomed not to compromise. Even if things go badly, Xie Ji can be the same as Yin Lin.
No, Yin Lin is in a dangerous situation now. Xie Ji may not be able to take the old path of Yin Lin.
What will happen on the seventh floor?
He is not well and thinks too much, so he can’t avoid a meat wall.
Inertia made him fall backwards for a second, and his waist was suddenly tightly closed.
Jiang Jichu looked up and was smiling at Xie.
Two people close at hand, breathing intertwined in one place.
Xie Ji whispered, "What are you thinking? You don’t look at the road."
His consciousness of preventing Jiang Ji from falling at the beginning of his life helped Jiang Ji. At first glance, he looked thin, but he held it in his arms. The weight was lighter than he thought. Did he drink Xie Quan’s chicken stew?
For a moment, Jiang Yunchu’s mind was vague and said, "Oh, there is nothing delicious in chicken soup."
Xie Ji didn’t debunk this obvious excuse, but tried to say, "Why don’t you give a bowl to outsiders when you are delicious?"
"I don’t have enough to drink myself." Jiang Ji muttered at the beginning.
Even at such a close distance, I can’t pick out a flaw, elegant and manly.
Too close, he thought
In the afternoon, I was interrupted by Xie Quan and entangled in the air again. Jiang Zhichu’s reason finally returned to the corner of his eye and showed a strange look. "Xie Zong, is this an outsider asking his teammates?"
"blame?" Xie Ji repeated Jiang Ji’s primary vocabulary and put his other hand on his chest. "Is your heart beating so fast because you were asked?"
When the window paper of the two became transparent, the ordinary jokes changed their taste.
It is not the first time that Jiang Zhichu shows his possessiveness, but it is the first time that he wants to investigate the meaning behind possessiveness.
He also told Jiang Zhichu that it is a price to pay if you can’t rely on beauty and murder to seduce people casually.
In Xie’s eyes, there is like a lake, and when the wind swings, it will set off a vortex, surrounded by sunlight, interweaving beautiful warm colors.
At present, Jiang Ji secretly pinched himself to stay awake. "Xie always hasn’t hugged anyone for 26 years?"
Xie sent a smile to the lake, and the spring water swayed more gently.
However, before Xie sent again, the familiar sound sounded from their south.
"Brother, I’ll wash … the trough!" Xie Quan stare big eyes looking at two people shocked even hands are shaking "I I I I didn’t wash well! I’ll wash it again! "
Xie sent had to let go of Jiang Ji and grabbed him twice a day and brought him back after kissing his brother.
Xie Quan’s sixth sense told him that something bad was either to be spanked by Xie Ji or to be cut off by Jiang Ji at the beginning of the first day. His desire for survival broke out again. He opposed the guest host and hugged Xie Ji’s arm. "Brother, you have a brother who keeps me alive!"
Xie Ji has been single for more than 20 years and has no emotional experience, otherwise he won’t forget to come out at any time. Xie Quan will talk about chicken soup with Jiang Zhichu on the spot.
Two people tease each other to make fun, and the third person sees it and makes the club die.
"You’ve been moved out of Xie Jiakou". Thank you for transferring the embarrassment. First of all, it means that you are ungrateful to the law, and then you pull Jiang Zhichu into the war. "This is my new brother. Please pack up and fend for yourself."
Jiang Jichu looked up lazily. "Can you get out of the way of the stairs? I want to go to sleep … brother …"
"Elder brother" and "elder brother" are just one word apart, but the ending sound of the beginning of Jiang Ji is long and warped like a rambling period.
Thank you for sending it on the spot.
When Xie Ji didn’t respond, he pulled back a game. Jiang Zhichu immediately ran away and bypassed Xie Ji and went upstairs.
Just looking at the back, it looks like some kind of fine large animal. Because it just won the fight and walked up the stairs, it held its head high and its tail wagged briskly and silently.
The light passes through the glass window, and a little dust in the air floats slowly in the airflow, and the footsteps disappear along with the slim figure at the corner of the stairs.
Xie Quan’s head seemed to explode with a hundred fireworks, and his eyes were about to narrow into a crack. His shoulder slammed into Xie’s mail, "Brother ~ people are also sleepy and carrying their buildings ~"
The itch in Xie Ji’s heart hasn’t gone yet. He winked at Xie Quan. "Want to try physics to help sleep?"

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  • 广州彦门推拿
    标题:广州彦门推拿:传统中医与现代科技完美融合 随着人们生活节奏的加快,工作压力的增大,亚健康问题日益突出。在这样的背景下,越来越多的人开始关注健康养生,寻求一种既安全又有效的保健方式。广州彦门推拿,作为一家传承中医推拿技艺,融合现代科技手段的专业机构,为广大消费者提供了优质的养生保健服务。 一、彦门推拿的历史渊源 彦门推拿起源于我国古老的中医推拿技艺,历经数百年的传承与发展,形成了独特的推拿流派。广州彦门推拿,传承了彦门推拿的精髓,结合现代医学理论,致力于为广大消费者提供专业、高效、舒适的推拿服务。 二、彦门推拿的特色 1. 专业团队:广州彦门推拿拥有一支专业的推拿团队,团队成员均具备丰富的临床经验和扎实的理论基础。在推拿过程中,他们能够根据顾客的具体情况,制定个性化的治疗方案。 2. 独特手法:彦门推拿在传统手法的基础上,结合现代医学理论,研发出一套独特的推拿手法。这些手法能够有效缓解肌肉疲劳、改善血液循环、增强免疫力,从而达到保健养生的目的。 3.… Read more: 广州彦门推拿
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