Zhang Qingqing voice trembling "sea trench octopus? !”
"Don’t be afraid" Xiao Yan’s voice is as soft and warm as a winter fire.
"Trench octopus is very gentle and likes human beings, right? If you like human, roll up your tentacles. "
Dou Da’s eyes rolled, and then a tentacle curled up into a meat ball, and its round head looked like an ugly flower.
Zhang Qingqing laughed. "It’s a little cute. Can I really feed it?"
"Of course," Xiao Yan smiled and pointed to the activity announcement, "A fish food is 3 yuan."
Zhang Qingqing … It turned out to be selling.
There is no way to publicize the map code and price Zhang Qingqing for specialization. What should other tourists do if they are dissatisfied?
Zhang Qingqing still spends a lot of money. She didn’t refuse her to come to the trench on the second floor. Octopus is now swimming at her feet. A four-meter-four-meter glass skylight opens and sends out a "drop-"sound.
The octopus in the trench heard that a tentacle leaned out on Zhang Qingqing’s shoulder.
Little nigger boys are integrated into Xiao Yan’s body, and Xiao Yan can see things that others can’t.
There is a mass of black gas on Zhang Qingqing’s shoulder.
The octopus head poked out from the skylight with a splash.
The second floor of Haigou National Exhibition Hall was in uproar.
The fish is so big that its head sticks out directly to the ceiling and its eyes turn round and round in different directions, curiously looking at the human beings present.
Although octopus is very big in the fish tank, it is always not so shocking to see it through a layer of glass as if it were through a screen.
When the octopus’s head is really exposed, the huge thing sets off the smallness of human beings and makes people’s back cold.
"What are you doing taking pictures?"
I don’t know who called a crowd and reacted in hindsight.
In the radio, the mechanical sound soothes the tourists. "Please rest assured that the octopus in the trench will not hurt the tourists."
"Please rest assured that the trench octopus will not hurt tourists."
"Please rest assured …"
It was repeated three times in a row before the restless crowd quietly watched the spectacular picture of the deep-sea behemoth appearing in the world.
Zhang Qingqing built a psychological defense line for more than half an hour, and when the octopus poked its head out of the trench, it collapsed.
This kind of shocking power can’t be experienced without personal experience. The huge octopus has opened a world door so that she can look out from the small and fragile world.
The deepest touch is not from fear, but from excitement.
Excited by a glimpse of the mystery of the ocean
Tentacles swept away Zhang Qingqing’s one-meter-long bread, and the huge octopus head instantly sank back to the water tank to stir up two-meter-high waves.
A tourist scratched his heart and shouted, "I want to feed the octopus, too. Where can I buy a ticket?"
"Me too!"
"Hold the camera for a while and you can take pictures of me while I feed the octopus."
The octopus feeding program is limited to 200 people on a first-come-first-served basis every day. After the reservation is completed, the passage is blocked instantly and people are separated from the outside. It is a face of regret.
Ao Yan guided the tourists to line up and said, "and feed the sea snakes and worms?" ? ? ? Fish, etc. are all 3-currency daily current limiters. If you are interested, please queue up at the designated location. "
"Trench octopus nearly 20 meters? ? ? ? Fish are only two meters long. Why do you feed them at the same price? " Some tourists shouted "Hello? ? ? ? Fish should be cheaper! "
Aoyan swept his one eye, and the man immediately silenced.
"All fish are equal. If you are not satisfied, don’t feed them."
In a word, do you like to play or not?
No, Yan Yan, he immediately had tourists talking about "Oh, why not buy fish here?" Also on size calculation "
"Who is he? He’s eloquent."
"Laughing to death, not waiting in line, the quota is almost robbed."
On the other hand, Zhang Qingqing was still dizzy when he walked out of the Haigou National Exhibition Hall.
The communication bell rang suddenly, and it was Zhang Qingqing from his parents. Click Connect.
"hello? Qingqing? "
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