

Rich in materials and living in peace, this is Toyota Village today.

The villagers need to go out and buy some necessary living materials every once in a while to live in the whole village.
The most important thing is that it seems that it is difficult for outsiders to enter Toyota Village easily thanks to Shan Gui’s blessing.
There is also County Yin who wants to bring Toyota Village back under the jurisdiction.
But after a long time, even with patience and ability, County Yin gave up the idea.
Later, Hsin-hsien Yin didn’t even know that Toyota Village didn’t know that he still had such a rich village.
During the feudal dynasty, this means that villagers no longer need to pay taxes and are no longer afraid of sword and soldier disasters to form a subtle cycle.
Outside interference can ignore life, while villagers have achieved the goal of self-sufficiency …
Theoretically, if there is no accident, Toyota Village will continue to go straight forever.
"It sounds like Tao Yuan’s’ Peach Blossom Garden’"
"The land is flat and spacious, and there are fertile fields, beautiful ponds and mulberry genera."
"In the hustle and bustle of traffic, the men and women who come and go are dressed like outsiders, and they are happy and happy."
Singing Tao Yuan’s Peach Blossom Spring, Pei Wende barely got a general impression of Toyota Village in the mouth of a giant bear with a face.
However, when Pei Wende and Kuchan, the giant bear with a face, led them to Toyota Village, they found that the situation here seemed to be somewhat different from what they described.
At the very least, the road to Toyota Village is not as hidden as imagined.
A path leading to a mountain forest, the reddish-brown country road, is so striking.
Pei Wende believes that if it weren’t for the blind, everyone would be able to see it.
"Are you sure … this road leads to Toyota Village?"
Pei Wende couldn’t help but squint his eyes and looked at the reddish-brown township road. He was very sure that it wasn’t an illusion or a dreamland.
Let alone a successful practitioner, even an ordinary mortal can see that way clearly.
"There is something wrong. There was no such township road when I came here decades ago."
Similarly, some uncertainty scratched his cheek. When the giant bear said this, he looked straight away and meditated.
Since Zen is leading the way, the other party should know what happened here, right?
"When did Kuchan, a rural road, appear?"
In the face of Pei Wende’s question about the giant bear, Zen also showed a pensive expression
"Really … I don’t know exactly what happened here."
Kuchan tells the truth, because although it is not far away from home, it can study Zen all the year round in the mountains, and it doesn’t know what is happening outside.
In particular, Toyota Village got a glimpse of the original appearance on the root of xenophobic leisure means.
"This township road is still not before I go to Shuwai Mountain Villa."
Smell speech Pei Wende immediately picked his eyebrows thoughtfully and said
"It’s not that your memory is out of order. This township road only appeared recently."
Listening to Pei Wende quietly opened his eyebrows as he spoke.
-six magical powers, eye-catching!
To reach Pei Wende’s present state, this eye-catching has already had the ability to trace back to the past and present reality.
Therefore, this reddish-brown township road in Pei Wende’s current vision is changing with the naked eye.
Just like going back in time, this reddish-brown township road has quickly become an inconspicuous township path from existence to reality.
Then Pei Wende’s eye froze this residual time for a moment.
This is the rural road during the day, and it is also what the water demon mother looked like before they came here.
At this point, the water demon mother three people seem to be going to enter Toyota Village through this fragrant road
However, the water demon who walked in front of the village suddenly found something and stretched out his hand to stop a pair of children behind him and move on.
With his back to Pei Wende, he couldn’t see the water demon’s expression from this angle.
Pei Wende can only see that after the water demon stretched out his hand to stop it, Ping Ming and Bi Xing showed their vigilance.
Especially the chubby BiXing this moment faded his simple and honest disguise, ferocious and fierce glare at the front.
You can also vaguely see a black dragon tattoo, Bi Xing, wandering around and emitting a violent atmosphere that makes Pei Wende feel familiar.
[That’s … I really yuan? 】
Quite shocked, Pei Wende never imagined that Bi Xingshen still had his own strength.
Because that dragon is like a snake, not a snake’s claw, which is a manifestation of Mohoroga’s strength.
Chapter 9 You can just call me Xiong Da!
Zhang Zhiqiang is a villager in Toyota Village who has never left the village since childhood.
For Zhang Zhiqiang, this acre of land in Toyota Village is his own department, and he never thought of leaving here for the outside world.
After all, there are exorbitant taxes, levies, soldiers, disasters and chaos in the outside world. How can we live peacefully in the village?
Even Zhang Zhiqiang knows that peace in the village is not without cost.
In addition to offering sacrifices to the mountain gods every once in a while, the villagers must be busy with their fields every day to ensure a bumper harvest next year.
Although the mountain god is kind and generous, he never keeps lazy people.
Pay is rewarded. Pay is rewarded. This is the mountain god in Zhang Zhiqiang’s eyes.
However, just today, the decades-long quiet life in Zhang Zhiqiang has been broken
While it was still light, Zhang Zhiqiang went to his field after feeding the chickens and ducks and cutting enough firewood as usual.
This field was left to him by Zhang Zhiqiang’s father.
After several generations of cultivation, the fertility of this field has long exceeded that of others in the same village, and they can reap a bumper harvest by planting it casually.
The only drawback of this field is that it is a little far from the village.
Zhang Zhiqiang walked for a long time and saw his field at the junction of the village and the outside world.
However, when Zhang Zhiqiang came here, he first noticed that it was not his own field but three figures at the village entrance.
There is no doubt that those are three outsiders.
Zhang Zhiqiang, an outsider who occasionally comes to Toyota Village, is no stranger.
It is not surprising that there are three or five people who have strayed into Toyota Village in a year.
The problem is that most of the outsiders are ordinary farmers and tourists.
These three gas fields, like the eyes, are not ordinary people at first glance. It’s the first time that Zhang Zhiqiang, an outsider, has seen them.
The three heads are a big and strong man.
He is more than two meters tall and ugly, but his arm muscles are thicker than ordinary people’s thighs.
The key is that the big strong man is a simple village entrance, and there is a gas field that is not angry and arrogant.
And behind that strong man is a little monk with a thin figure and a haggard face.
Judging from his appearance alone, the little novice monk seems to be an underage boy, but his appearance seems a little mature.
Little novice monk’s appearance and body form a fresh contrast, which is a string of huge beads around his neck.
Each rosary in this string of beads is the size of an ordinary fist.
The glossy and slippery surface means that the holder cherishes and makes it
Zhang Zhiqiang once went to the nearby mountain to pray for blessings, but he was sure that even the temple host Chang Fozhu was absolutely not as delicate and precious as this string of beads.
When Zhang Zhiqiang looked beyond the strong man and the little novice monk, the last figure that caught his eye was a young man who was not very impressive.
Judging from his dress, the young man is also a monk.

  • 广州男子SPA养生馆,专业服务,舒适体验
    广州,这座繁华的都市,不仅拥有众多的美食、购物天堂,更隐藏着许多高端的男士SPA养生馆,为忙碌的都市男性提供专业、舒适的放松空间。这些养生馆以专业手法、优质服务和舒适环境,让每一位顾客在这里找到身心的平衡,享受生活带来的愉悦。 走进广州的男士SPA养生馆,首先映入眼帘的是高贵典雅的装修风格。会馆内设施齐全,从按摩床到浴缸,一应俱全。专业的技师团队,经过严格培训,手法娴熟,服务周到,为顾客提供个性化、全方位的养生服务。 在SPA养生馆,男士们可以享受到多种专业的按摩项目,如中式推拿、泰式按摩、足底按摩等。技师们运用精湛的手法,从脚底到头顶,对全身进行细致的按摩,帮助顾客缓解疲劳、舒缓压力,达到养生保健的效果。 除了按摩,SPA养生馆还提供水疗、桑拿、汗蒸等服务。在专业技师的操作下,顾客可以享受到舒适的水疗体验,让身心得到彻底的放松。桑拿、汗蒸则有助于促进新陈代谢,排出体内毒素,提高免疫力。 广州男士SPA养生馆的环境也是一大亮点。会馆内装饰温馨、舒适,处处透露出尊贵与品位。优雅的休息区、舒适的按摩房、宽敞的更衣室,让顾客在享受服务的同时,也能感受到家的温馨。 值得一提的是,广州男士SPA养生馆的服务态度也值得称赞。从顾客踏入会馆的那一刻起,服务人员就全程陪同,为顾客提供贴心的服务。在这里,顾客可以享受到无微不至的关怀,感受到家的温暖。 此外,广州男士SPA养生馆还注重顾客的个性化需求。针对不同年龄段、不同体质的顾客,提供量身定制的养生方案。在这里,每一位顾客都能找到适合自己的养生项目,实现身心愉悦。 总之,广州男士SPA养生馆以其专业服务、舒适环境和优质服务,为都市男性打造了一个放松身心的理想场所。在这里,男士们可以暂时忘却生活的压力,尽情享受属于自己的一方天地。如果您也想在繁忙的生活中找到一丝宁静,不妨走进广州男士SPA养生馆,体验专业、舒适的养生之旅。
  • 广州彦门推拿
    标题:广州彦门推拿:传统中医与现代科技完美融合 随着人们生活节奏的加快,工作压力的增大,亚健康问题日益突出。在这样的背景下,越来越多的人开始关注健康养生,寻求一种既安全又有效的保健方式。广州彦门推拿,作为一家传承中医推拿技艺,融合现代科技手段的专业机构,为广大消费者提供了优质的养生保健服务。 一、彦门推拿的历史渊源 彦门推拿起源于我国古老的中医推拿技艺,历经数百年的传承与发展,形成了独特的推拿流派。广州彦门推拿,传承了彦门推拿的精髓,结合现代医学理论,致力于为广大消费者提供专业、高效、舒适的推拿服务。 二、彦门推拿的特色 1. 专业团队:广州彦门推拿拥有一支专业的推拿团队,团队成员均具备丰富的临床经验和扎实的理论基础。在推拿过程中,他们能够根据顾客的具体情况,制定个性化的治疗方案。 2. 独特手法:彦门推拿在传统手法的基础上,结合现代医学理论,研发出一套独特的推拿手法。这些手法能够有效缓解肌肉疲劳、改善血液循环、增强免疫力,从而达到保健养生的目的。 3.… Read more: 广州彦门推拿
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