I cann’t believe I still care about Ah Q. Is he a rookie? Does he have Stockholm syndrome?
I was surprised by the idea in my heart, and I used my killer skill-Finger Zen!
It seems that every girl will learn this magic skill by herself.
Obviously, the teetering nerves completely collapsed after the first crystal "attacked" this magical skill.
"PSST-"I’m blue in the face. Dong-sheng Lin didn’t care to finish the tender feeling. Not only did he let go of the early crystal, but he gasped in a gasp.
He can be sure that his piece of soft meat attacked by Erzhichan is definitely blue!
But let him a big man shout pain, and he really can’t say that.
As a result, somehow it became a wonderful way.
Lin Dongsheng is holding "Chujie" in his arms and then "Chujie" is holding his waist soft.
"Let go!" Early crystal resentfully drink a way
"You put it first!" Lin Dongsheng bit his back molar and squeezed out a few words.
"You put it first!" Chujing naturally doesn’t want to not only work harder but also simply add another hand.
Even in summer, although Lin Dongsheng put on a coat before coming out in the evening, it is obvious that such a dull summer can’t be a very thick coat, but it is actually a thin shirt.
Obviously, in the face of the skill of two fingers Zen, this thin shirt root method can stop that terrible pain
Lin Dongsheng’s face was almost twisted with pain, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "I won’t let go!" "
"You … I think you can’t let go!" Be Lin Dongsheng stubborn gas to death at the beginning of the crystal this moment also can not consider anything reserved in the past, the cold has long been gone, not only continue to pinch the bold eyes have been aimed at Lin Dongsheng face.
Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t want it back, but …
Stepping on Lin Dongsheng’s instep openly and then realizing that his height is still not enough, he simply stood on tiptoe and then Lin Dongsheng opened his mouth and bit his nose directly in his dumbfounded eyes!
Look at that posture. I can’t wait to bite Jin Yufei’s nose
However, there is one thing missing in the calculation of the first crystal.
That is, Lin Dongsheng is not a dead thing. Although she was hurt by a series of actions, to be honest, it may be because the pain was too much, and even the nerve sensitivity delayed many times. Although it happened suddenly, Lin Dongsheng still reflected it from time to time.
You can’t avoid it
After all, it’s wishful thinking to be trampled on and try to avoid it, but …
Who said anything about hiding?
At the beginning of the crystal is about to bite to that moment, Lin Dongsheng suddenly lifted his head.
Chu Jing bit his lip.
Blood poured out at the first time.
Lin Dongsheng, who endured the severe pain, took advantage of the opportunity of being stunned by his actions to slightly cover his arms to a whole person at the right time, pick the tip of his tongue and directly pry open the first crystal teeth.
Learn the romantic French wet kiss in film and television dramas. Lin Dongsheng kissed clumsily.
He kissed her again!
The taste of blood blooms in the mouth. I never thought that the taste of blood was so strange.
Some fishy, some … sweet.
How can she feel sweet?
I don’t know how many times I’ve come back to God, but it’s a pity that stepping on each other is also equivalent to fixing myself in front of each other
Then Galindo gave birth to strength in Chujing, and he was sad to find himself kissing him more and more strongly.
Gradually, because it is difficult to kiss deeply, some inevitable sequelae will appear.
At the beginning of the crystal, I gradually felt that Venus began to appear in front of my eyes.
Shit, she’s out of oxygen!
The feeling of suffocation makes Chujing awake from her absence.
However, when she woke up, she found that she didn’t know when she had hooked his neck!
Is he a bad woman?
Some panicked and pushed him away, and he took a few steps back involuntarily.
"Shout … shout …" Two people qi qi gasped violently at the beginning of the crystal to Dong-sheng Lin’s eyes, but it was hard to hide their anger.
A touch of shallow shyness
"You …" When Chu Jing was angry and wanted to roar, it happened that Lin Dongsheng deliberately made a gesture of preparing to kiss again and scared Chu Jing to jump away at a distance, but he couldn’t roar away.
Finally, it is also worthy of shame and anger to throw a "bad guy!" Bend over and run away.
Looking at Chu Jing ran away, Lin Dongsheng was calm but suddenly disappeared, but his feet were soft, but he could no longer live and sat down directly to the ground.
At this time, I felt numb and painful all over, and I couldn’t help grinning.
Touching his lips, Dong-sheng Lin is silly and rustic.
Looking up at the first home, I saw the original bright light suddenly went out after a while.
Lin Dongsheng blinked, rubbed his sore waist and limped away.
In the room
Chu Jing looked at her sister with a puzzled look and asked strangely, "Jingjing?"
"Nothing," Chujing shouted, "Sister, it’s too late. Go to bed early."
"Oh …" It’s strange that Chujie looked at her sister and got into bed in a hurry. She wanted to ask. It happened that the girl called again.
Fool the ghost!
Who will fall asleep as soon as they lie down?
I always feel that she is strange. Chujie shook her head and prepared to ask her again the next day.
Turning on the bedside lamp, Chujie soon got into bed.
Wait until the room fell into a quiet, back to his sister Chujing finally secretly relieved.
Consciously, her fingers touched her lips, and her hot face flashed a little shyness.
That bad guy!
Thinking about the front curtain and seeing him limping away from the mess, Chu Jing secretly enjoyed himself.
Jingjing?’ At the beginning of the crystal is too big to be noisy at the beginning of Jie involuntarily asked again.
Chu Jing didn’t answer yes, but she was quiet.
More and more confused, Chujie scratched his head and simply tightened and fell asleep.
Lin Dongsheng, who was lying on the other side of the bed, also looked out of the window at the moonlight through the gap in the curtains.
Eyes flashing, mouth seems to whisper something "is it … her?"
Chapter 1 New troubles
Since Yingbao was successfully promoted to the top five, Siyi has been somewhat depressed.
As the race unfolds, it becomes less and less enough.
It is a fact that programs are recorded and broadcast, and few variety shows are broadcast live, which greatly strengthens the operability.
Something happened that made Fang Siyi feel nai.
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