Yi wanted to think and nodded, "White" knows that this is the most important test of physical coordination ability, but I have to practice the body for more than ten years, or I really can’t say it plainly.
Zhai Yong said it in detail several times before saying, "Then go."
He took the lead and walked forward. It was easy for the three people behind Yi Zhong Qian Yuan to move forward one after another and float the yellow sand gently.
It’s like walking, but I still didn’t make a sound. Easy means easy on the surface and nervous as hell. Easy is the so-called contrast, when two people know more about power, they are afraid.
Seeing that there is still a hundred feet to go to the light door, suddenly the voice behind it is particularly harsh.
Yi Shen nian swept the past, and the two experienced people were in a tight heart. Don’t come here. Just after thinking about the two experienced people, the royal sword flew this way.
"Bad to go" Zhaiyong and Qian Yuan are already surprised and angry if they want to stop.
A breeze suddenly turned into a roaring wind and waves, which blew the two old Taoist priests upside down and made it easy for them to walk in threes. The big plan also failed. The sand shook and shouted, and the sand waves raised ten feet and rolled head-on to the three people very quickly.
"Flying fast" Qian Yuan’s royal sword rushed at Yi Zhaiyong, followed by bang! Bang! Bang! Hit the sound, hit three people with sand waves
Yi Tiangang’s cover suddenly shook, and his body was knocked backward. His true qi urged him to break the heavy sand waves in his flying sword and rushed out.
Then a wave of sand waves came head-on, and hurriedly escaped from the previous waves by flying by a mile. One wave after another surged and climbed higher and higher like waves.
Easy to be forced more and more backward, more and more to the hurricane in the sky, the yellow sand whistling and blowing easily.
Zhai Yong Qian Yuan’s two people are easy to walk to the right, and they are also very embarrassed. I can’t wait to find out the two sophisticated people and tear them to pieces.
"The more you go forward, the more you launch the array. Go back quickly and start over later."
"Good to fly back", the three men turned around together and rushed back together like a sword, emitting golden light and flying to the original place quickly.
At the sight of change, a strange reptile emerged from the sand ahead.
It is two people high and two feet long; The body is brown and the six legs are different in thickness; The triangular head is supported by two curved tentacles, the eyes are round and black, and there are two rows of sharp teeth protruding from the clamp mouth on both sides of the small mouth; The chest is rickety and the oval abdomen is very obese; The arms are thick, the hind legs are long, the chest is long, and the belly is twisted and leaning on the ground.
See it two hind legs on the spot a shot to the sky and head-on bite to three people.
Three people dodge is not struggling to drop a little bang hit the jaw parts of animals, like a meteor, was hit to the ground with dizziness.
The castration of the animal fell to the ground, and the jaws and jaws were clamped against each other. It was just a clip that sounded a subtle metal percussion sound and sent it to the mouth and chewed it fiercely.
It’s easy to be bitten back and forth, and the animals’ mouths roll back and forth, and the plough cover fluctuates violently, and my heart is extremely tense in an instant.
His right hand is holding a flying sword, and the monster’s mouth is waving wildly, and a piece of Mars is even more terrible. His mouth is invulnerable. Should it be as hard as the outside?
Besides, animals are chewing Yi’s six slender and powerful thighs against Zhai Yong and Qian Yuan, which is a burst of crazy trampling.
Although the two men also had gas masks to protect themselves, how could Yi Tiangang’s hood be so strong that they were shocked and vomited blood? They rolled for a few times and got up, and Zhai Yong shouted "Dun Yuan Shen!" Immediately, the two men escaped from the Yuan God and put away their flesh and attacked the animals.
At this time, the environment is very bad, with hurricanes hovering and roaring, yellow sand turning over the waves, powerful and poor, and invulnerable to animals. The two Yuan gods can’t do any harm to animals, but they consume their vitality quickly.
Zhong hurricane also
What wind makes the Yuan God unable to display it and press it straight to the ground? The Yellow Sand God will make it jam and unable to move.
The animal poof spit out something that can’t be chewed in its mouth, and yellow light came out of its eyes. The two tentacles on the top of its head quickly intertwined and suddenly separated.
Two tiny yellow lights spread out from the antenna, and the transient length was as long as two thin lines, and the two yuan gods shook quickly, and the two yuan gods were wrapped into a yellow pupa and sent to their mouths.
At this critical moment, a shining silver awn scratched itself and instantly cut off the yellow line of the tentacles, wrapped the yellow pupa of the Yuan God and disappeared.
The monster’s tentacles have two yellow lines, and they are about to wrap around the Yuan God when they recover.
Suddenly, a red light rises from the ground and instantly takes two yuan gods to the original place. The line of sight flashes, and it is easy to go out and hit the cave wall.
He sat on the ground and his brain was buzzing with shock, and he struggled to get up and run, fearing that the animal would come out.
The two yuan gods were not much better, and it was easy to listen to each other for a while before they were relieved.
Easy to sit like a deflated ball, blanched and panting with fearful eyes.
Zhai Yong and Qian Yuan shake out the body, and the Yuan God returns to the body and shakes. They still feel that there are some changes, annoyance and fear in the body of the Yuan God.
Yi is a little weak and asks, "What’s going on? There are animals? Where have I been to it before? "
Zhai Yong said awkwardly, "I didn’t have this strange animal before, and somehow it happened many times."
Two people know that if there is no easy life and death just now, but the five-fifty count of Yuan God is entangled and inseparable.
Although they were easy to calculate at first, they have saved a lot of money by saving their lives. They are grateful to Yi, saying, "If it weren’t for you today, we would both be planted here."
Easy to silence for a moment and said, "Zhai Lao and Qian Lao just now, the three of us almost died in the mouth of a beast. I had to use hermetic skills to escape. This animal is invulnerable and powerful, and it is not affected by wind and sand. I think it is a fight, but this is the three layers and what you two said is very different. No one can be sure what will happen. I am afraid I will lose my life and talk about treasure hunting! I don’t know what the baby is, but it’s not worth it. I’ll go home … "It’s too dangerous to go in my heart.
As soon as I said this, the two of them were in a hurry. I just saw that it was easy, courageous and resourceful, and saved their lives. It was a great help. If we left, it would be difficult to take care of it with few people. The situation was complicated and we had to keep him anyway.
Zhaiyong rubbed his hands to retain the way, "It’s all on the third floor. We don’t know the specific baby, but it’s definitely that this baby is badly abnormal. Otherwise, we can’t have such a complicated law. Do you think about how big this project is? How much manpower and material resources do you get? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! "
Yi doesn’t believe his story at all. I don’t know what it is. Baby came to treasure hunt a few years ago, and fools won’t believe it.
"Well, since the elder doesn’t want to talk about it, don’t force it. I’ll get together and leave. I’ll go back to the prison. You two can find this baby slowly." Yi said and left.
Qian Yuan glared at Zhai Yong and winked. Zhai Yong-nan and Yi Nai said, "To tell you the truth, what is the specific name? I really don’t know if that baby can disperse, collect, kill the enemy, cover up the sun, storm and rain and fog. It was when we planned for more than ten years that it was bitter enough for humanity, and this broken array method was hard to find out!"
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