

Strangely, he looked at Qiao Yun blushing and his eyes blurred. He couldn’t tell whether it was funny or wanted to laugh. His wife patted his face and rubbed it in his face.


"What’s the secret?" He coaxed his wife drunk.
Qiao Yun said, "Shh, I won’t tell you. I have a big secret! Is … I want to marry you, especially want to marry you. "
"Well," Mo Ran’s face was squeezed and he couldn’t open his mouth when he laughed. "I know my husband knows."
"You don’t know! !” Qiao Yun became more and more naive when he was drunk. "You know, you wouldn’t refuse my dad!"
He threw off the stranger but got a little stronger, and he staggered back by himself.
Mo ran hurriedly held it.
Qiao Yun grabbed his clothes and took a deep breath sadly. "In fact, I didn’t dare to let others know that I liked you before. I didn’t dare to let others know that my object was a man. I was not afraid that others would look at me strangely. I was afraid that others would say that you said that you were a great god and I was afraid that you would be stabbed with a cold knife."
"-these are not nobody said XiaoNan said! It happened that I listened to his words, so I was sometimes not smart enough, and sometimes I jumped when others dug holes. Whatever others said would affect me, and I might believe that I was too stupid and stupid. "
Qiao Yun’s mood began to be unstable and her eyes gradually became red.
Strangely hugged him. "I know the baby’s husband knows not to say it. Let’s go home."
He hugged his wife and went to the side of the road to take a taxi.
Qiao Yun refused to let people get drunk, but their legs swayed steadily and took root in the same place. "No, I’m not finished yet. You let me talk."
Mo ran followed the bitterness in his heart.
He slipped his throat and put his arms around him from his wife’s armpit and leaned against himself. "Okay, you tell my husband to listen."
Qiao Yun wait for a while nodded. "I said my secret won’t tell you. In fact, I feel uncomfortable watching Hao Ge’s wedding today. I feel uncomfortable when I’m the officiating wife. It’s not that I Qiao Yun is jealous that they can get married, but that I think I should be in Hao Ge’s position. You are in Tian Xin’s position, and I should be the groom instead of the officiating wife."
Red has occupied Qiao Yun’s eyes and nodded lovingly while smoothing his wife’s back.
Qiao Yun choked up more and more. "But you are strange but good or bad. You must misunderstand me. I don’t want to get married when I leave the table. I’m afraid of gossip. My master Joe is the future successor of the family. I’m afraid of who said that. I’m not afraid at all! !”
"-you also told me how happy I am to worship heaven and earth. If we weren’t all modern people, I would have married you. Isn’t it not popular to worship the bride now? There is a wedding substitute. Then I don’t care about the wedding. I just care about the person who married me. That person has to be you. Do you know! Do you know! !”
Stranger but close your eyes and gently nod "know"
"You don’t know! !” Qiao Yun du mouth nose take a smoke "you don’t know! Actually, I’m embarrassed to say that I’m vulgar and I want to marry you! ! I just can’t admit it to you! !”
"-what to do! ! Master Joe has a thin face! ! ! I’m embarrassed to tell you that I want to marry you! ! !”
The last roar Qiao Yun tugged at the stranger’s collar and pulled his face straight into his chest and cried, "Boo hoo-I’m just embarrassed to tell you what to do! ! You say what you say I do! ! !”
Chapter 168 Chapter 168
Strangely, the whole person collapsed, and when he circled his wife, he kissed her.
Master Qiao is stronger than one person. They quarreled and quarreled, and people were jealous and had an argument. None of these Qiao Yun were red-eyed.
And when I first fell in love, so many cruel words came from all directions like arrows. Qiao Yun never showed weakness, let alone cried like a crybaby in his arms like this.
He wants to commit a crime when he cries.
This is how much you love yourself. Strangely, you are stabbed in the heart by your wife, holding your wife’s eyes closed, and your wife commits a crime. She kisses him carefully and gently.
Driving a taxi at high speed, pulling past passers-by and other drunks who don’t know their names passing by them, regardless, kissing the man who loves him to the heart at the warm yellow street lamp.
Qiao Yun, too, drunk holding the stranger but ruthlessly kissed him pecked him warm and sweet and then rolled his throat to swallow.
I vaguely heard the man say, "I know that my husband really knows that my husband has begun to prepare, thinking of giving you a surprise and giving us a wedding-"
But the next day, when Qiao Yun woke up, he couldn’t remember what the man finally said or what he said.
Until Mo Ran brought him a tablet and asked him if he liked these two sets of westerns. Qiao Yuncai was in a trance.
"-I didn’t say anything crazy last night, did I?"
"No," the man chuckled. "Do you wear white to suit you?"
"Er …" Qiao Yun glanced at it and said, "This suit is like a wedding. Are you going to work dressed like this?"
Mo Ran slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at him. "Haven’t you woken up yet?"
"Fuck you" Qiao Yun said "I woke up early" with a high volume and a low volume.
Smile with a smile. "It’s good to wake up and choose a gift with your husband."
He sat down at the bedside and showed his wife several sets of gifts.
Qiao Yun leaned over and asked curiously, "What’s the sudden gift?"
Answer "wedding" strangely.
Qiao Yun moment sat up from the bed "wedding! What wedding! I said I’m not married and you haven’t given up yet! "
Strangely but slowly … Huh?
He stroked his wife against the chicken nest and pondered for a moment. "Are you … sure you’re sober?"
Mo ran can’t figure it out. It’s only been a few hours since I slept, and I forgot my words.
Now, as soon as he gets married, Qiao Yun is bound to hit him.

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  • 广州彦门推拿
    标题:广州彦门推拿:传统中医与现代科技完美融合 随着人们生活节奏的加快,工作压力的增大,亚健康问题日益突出。在这样的背景下,越来越多的人开始关注健康养生,寻求一种既安全又有效的保健方式。广州彦门推拿,作为一家传承中医推拿技艺,融合现代科技手段的专业机构,为广大消费者提供了优质的养生保健服务。 一、彦门推拿的历史渊源 彦门推拿起源于我国古老的中医推拿技艺,历经数百年的传承与发展,形成了独特的推拿流派。广州彦门推拿,传承了彦门推拿的精髓,结合现代医学理论,致力于为广大消费者提供专业、高效、舒适的推拿服务。 二、彦门推拿的特色 1. 专业团队:广州彦门推拿拥有一支专业的推拿团队,团队成员均具备丰富的临床经验和扎实的理论基础。在推拿过程中,他们能够根据顾客的具体情况,制定个性化的治疗方案。 2. 独特手法:彦门推拿在传统手法的基础上,结合现代医学理论,研发出一套独特的推拿手法。这些手法能够有效缓解肌肉疲劳、改善血液循环、增强免疫力,从而达到保健养生的目的。 3.… Read more: 广州彦门推拿
  • 广州清远桑拿交流平台
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