No matter who encounters such a situation, they will be anxious.
However, Xu himself still found nothing by hacking the Internet.
It’s quite possible that those guys haven’t arrived in midtown yet, and they may have got the information wrong.
Now I can pray that the hacker group can find Xia Bingqing when it comes.
In the evening, sometimes the Chernoff family had a dinner, but today the Chernoff family is a little different.
Today, many celebrities from the Chernoff family will come here to celebrate Christie’s tenth birthday.
Xu is also willing to give that beautiful little guy a celebration.
When Xu came out of the castle, he happened to be upset and wanted to go to the front to attend the birthday party.
Xu said, "Why are you running so fast?"
I took a blank look and said, "It takes a long time to join this kind of party. Who doesn’t want to speed it up?"
Xu nai, an altar, wanted to go to the Warring States without delay. I didn’t expect to be so upset and behave so grumpy, so I went quickly.
Inchanov Manor is very large and covers a very wide area. When Xu came to the main hall to hold a birthday party, it was full of excitement and shouts.
People always like this kind of party to make friends, and some people do come to play.
Maybe you don’t need this way to make friends, and you don’t want to play, but you want to eat some rice.
Although Xu is a warrior in dzogchen, it is possible to cultivate the realm for a while, but it is really very uncomfortable not to eat
Xu hopes to eat some good buffets in this place, but flies are the most clingy and annoying creatures in the world.
A fly did come at the buffet.
This fly is not coming to Xu, but to unhappiness.
Speaking of which, if you don’t like it, you really look like a perfect little girl.
Is to let Xu nai vomit blood? Is this little girl hiding behind Xu like a bad guy? Is it hatred for Xu La?
Chapter six hundred and four Christie’s bar mitzvah
This fly is not an ordinary fly, because no matter what you think, it is a handsome gentleman in a suit and tie.
The gentleman’s face is still smiling like a spring breeze.
He doesn’t seem to be the kind of dude who knows how to pick up girls.
On the surface, Xu also thinks that this man must be very graceful.
The young gentleman has come to Xu’s side and looked at Xu’s unhappiness behind him. He directly ignored Xu’s unhappiness and smiled. "I wonder if this young lady is interested in dancing together?"
A young gentleman is a gentleman who is uncomfortable talking, but he feels it, but his eyebrows are raised.
Even if you are blind, you should always know that you are not happy and hide behind Xu at the moment.
Everyone should know that unhappiness is now following Xu.
It’s normal for a young gentleman to dance if he knows Xu unhappy and invited, but he doesn’t know anyone.
He just looked at Xu’s invitation directly and felt uncomfortable dancing. No man would feel uncomfortable in this situation.
Not happy, but also raising her eyebrows with interest, because she certainly didn’t expect this gentleman-like guy to be so arrogant before her.
This guy must have come from a big family and didn’t take Xu, an oriental face, seriously.
Moreover, no matter what kind of men and women trample on another man’s dignity in front of them, they must feel that they are superior to others in their hearts, which will definitely attract girls’ attention.
Young gentlemen are always in a position to suppress another man and gain a woman’s favor.
Unfortunately, it’s not the gold digger who is upset.
I don’t like money, but I will never make money as a subsidiary of Wan Ku.
Unhappy hiding behind Xu, of course, is not without a way to get rid of this guy.
If you don’t like to say something difficult, this guy will leave with a black face.
But I don’t want to do this.
I’m not happy. I don’t want to be rude all the time outside. It seems to have no quality. It doesn’t look like a big lady, and it doesn’t conform to my beautiful appearance. Plus, I want to have a look at how Xu should deal with an emergency that can’t move his fist. I gave this problem to Xu.
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