The earth-shaking changes in the demon spirit gourd make Leitian determined to advance to the immortal position.
More than 1,000 peaks have risen from the ground, and all of them are breathing immortal strength in the demon gourd. The more than 1,000 peaks contain powerful immortal strength, which makes the rare immortal strength in the demon gourd very abundant.
This breath is a cycle of growth in the cave of the mountain peak, and the fairy grass grows slowly and releases all kinds of strange fragrance.
The Biluo boy body has been restored and turned into a towering giant tree with a height of more than 30,000 feet. The branches are stuck in the ground, and a big tree has enveloped Fiona Fang for hundreds of miles. This big tree is hung with gold-winged leaf-cutting bee hives.
Baihuafu was shattered, but these peaks were plundered. Many fairy grasses have shown signs of transformation. Once they become immortals, they will get a large number of monster hands.
Those monsters who grow into monsters may not have strong attack power, but they can give Leitian exhausted pills.
The golden-winged sawfly can brew these monsters, saying that Chinese jade pulp has the same power as elixir.
Moreover, the jade slurry can be diluted for the spirit-refining people in the elixir period, and it can still be used as elixir in the elixir period, but its efficacy is 100 times stronger than that of elixir in the elixir period.
Leitian Qingmen needs too many materials. In the future, if it expands to the level of Kunlun against heaven, it will need a lot of Pangda pills to back it up.
Leitian is now extracting more than 1,000 peaks, spewing immortal force into his own body and transforming demon fairy’s body. That then is under the attack of exhausted thunder in the middle of the thunder pool.
This pool of thunder and water is estimated to be enough to make Du Jie immortal
Seven hundred and twenty acupoints in his flesh are constantly being born and dying, consuming the amount of blue thunder. Pang Dalian repairs the damaged Yang God in the thunder.
This time, Leitian put his savings together and kidnapped a fairy to refine and convert it into more thunder water. It is estimated that if such savings are not enough, it will be tantamount to becoming a fairy.
There’s nothing he can do about true fairy.
This magic door fairy is also inexplicably entered the thunder pool for a while and can’t find a way out. He can attack him with thunder and constantly take Dan medicine and release jade operators to escape from this thunder pool.
It was all in vain, and his body gradually sank into the depths of the thunder pool, and he accused himself of this, which made the exhausted thunder attack the magic door and the fairy at the same time when attacking then.
Leitian demon fairy’s body is constantly dissolved, and the blue thunder Gang Yuan directly repairs the body. If the transformation speed of lamella crystallization is slowed down by tens of thousands of times in an instant, it will be found that Leitian’s body is in a damaged state most of the time, and it is very dangerous to have a head left.
Because there was only one skull left, the number of lotus flowers in 36 points in the skull was very small, so we had to mobilize our own honey to temporarily repair the Yang God. This honey is far from being able to repair the Yang God.
If a mistake is made, the Yang God will be completely dead if he is dissolved by tears.
Leitian also controls the thunder to attack the elixir, which is the only way to become immortal. His elixir is too strong. In this thunder pool, the thunder can cause a little damage on the surface every time, so I will repair it immediately.
Leitian Leifa practiced in that fairy body first, and exhausted the overlapping attack of blue thunder. With the increase of proficiency in controlling blue thunder, Leitian has been able to attack thousands of blue thunder in a row.
Before he robbed the thunder of Yin and Yang, it was also exhausted, but the attack was a gap, in which the enemy could release the elixir and counterattack.
Now Leitian thunder can attack ten thousand times. If you attack the fairy in this way, you will die. The magic door fairy is also struggling with the fairy.
If the fairy had not been manipulated by him, it would have been dissolved by thunder water.
Leitian’s attack is getting sharper and sharper, and it’s getting harder and harder for the fairy to recover. Leitian is getting stronger and stronger because his body has reached a terrible level. This firmness is not that he was injured, but that his recovery ability can instantly repair all injuries.
Who are you? Do you know that the Magic Gate Emperor is going to attack Zhongzhou? If you kill me, you will never live.
Joke, seeking immortality is the magic door emperor, and I will refine it in front of me
Leitian hands attack more frequently. The first benefit that Du Jie gained this time turned out to be that he completely mastered the Yin and Yang robbery of thunder array and knew that letting thunder attack repeatedly fell on a point where the enemy recovered his strength.
It’s hard to find this attack point. With more and more cracks in Leitian then, Leitian attacks the magic door and the fairy thunder is becoming more and more terrible. The stick is now ablaze and robbed.
In leitian’s eyes, the defense of this fairy body is full of loopholes. He is strong enough to slay this fairy.
You don’t know that the magic door emperor can wipe out more than three worlds with one thought.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, white laughter. Three, suddenly, the frequency of thunder-robbing has become one hundred times faster. This magic door and fake fairy can’t prevent the staff in their hands from breaking.
Chapter two hundred and thirty-one lamella gun broken
Chapter two hundred and thirty-one lamella gun broken
The magic door fairy fairy broken directly into thunder water leitian this time has consumed a small part of thunder water in a thunder pool, and his attack frequency is enough to destroy a zhongzhou sect.
Is it thunder and water power or some insufficient methods to break his elixir?
An elixir is afraid that it is not hard enough at the beginning of cultivation. Now when I plan to break it into immortality, I lament that it is too strong.
It is a very contradictory thing for a gas refiner to practice. If the elixir is not strong enough, the realm will be very different after he becomes immortal.
Ordinary gas refiners are immortal elixirs whose hardness is not enough, and their strength will be several times smaller after Leitian elixir is ten thousandths of an immortal.
Leitian did not become a fighting force. He knew that after Lei Jie became an immortal, his body was completely transformed. If the realm was not stable enough, every step would be a hundred times more difficult. It was not easy to talk about getting a road.
Immortal crushing power department was picked up by the thunder pool, and the thunder water rose again. It was even less than Bai Qiliao. He was very calm. He had condensed the lamella gun in Qingcheng for two hundred years. I don’t know how many blue thunder immortals these blue thunder immortals turned into thunder water. How is it enough for Du Jie?
The magic fairy once again offered a stone pagoda to completely wrap himself in it, and it didn’t threaten Leitian. He knew that Leitian was determined, and he could wait for Du Jie to fail.
He never thought that one day he would look at others, but Du Jie didn’t dare to fish in troubled waters and had to consider his life and death.
Leitian was in trouble at this time. He felt that his strength had risen rapidly and he had touched the realm of immortals. But then it was always unbreakable. Only when the gods of Jin Danyang merged and transformed into immortals could he advance to the immortal position.
Otherwise leitian can mobilize Dan Yuan’s strength.
Matching orders are two concepts. He can command immortal words to control some low-level immortals, immortals and even immortals, but he can never master the secrets of immortals.
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